Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,132

blinks her eyes, but when they open again, her lips fall apart just slightly, a breath leaking over them before she admits, “You’re not the only fraud here. I’ve been one since the day we met.”


Have I ever mentioned how much of a clusterfuck my relationship with Gabriel has been?

Since the beginning, really. On a bright summer day in the middle of my mother’s garden. We were surrounded by sunshine and flowers. I was in my favorite dress. And when he walked up to me and I saw his face, I knew I’d found my prince.

Even if he was bleeding.

Even if he was bruised.

Even if he was already broken beneath the weight of his horrible family.

There he was, the boy I would never forget. Never stop chasing. Never let go.

But instead of our fairytale beginning with Once upon a time, it was dipped in misery and spun through with lies.

A broken prince.

The spoiled princess.

And a war where the players had two different objectives.

He hid behind the mask of never being hurt. And I hid behind one that pretended to hate him.

When the time came for me to let him go, when our senior year was almost over and I knew he would leave, I did the only thing I could to latch on to Gabriel.

It was my biggest lie.

And one I refuse to regret now that we ended up here.

Gabriel’s spine straightens at what I said, the mask slipping into place not because he can hide from me but because he feels threatened.

“What do you mean you set me up?”

There’s an edge to his voice that cuts a faint line in the sand. It’s a defensive tone as he sinks back into character. Already, his lips are curling into the arrogant smirk that has driven me crazy for years. His green eyes are sharp, assessing, his posture so much taller as he stares down at me waiting for my response.

Opening my mouth to answer, I can’t find the air in my lungs to get the words out. My heart is pounding in my throat, my fingers curling into my palms.

It’s not even that big a deal. Yet it’s still a game I used to ensnare him because I knew it would drag him back.

It’s just another lie that hangs between us, heavy, bloated and festering.

“Stop imitating a fish, love. You’re cute with your mouth opening and closing like that, but it doesn’t answer my question.”

Gabriel steps toward me and I have to crane my neck to look up at him. Like this, he’s a menacing presence, a tension that could snap at any moment and tear my world apart.

“What have you done?” His voice is far too soft to be comforting.

Sucking in a deep breath, I clench my eyes shut and summon the nerve to admit just how much I was willing to risk myself to ensure I would see him again.

A voice at my back steals our attention before I can get the first word out, Gabriel’s eyes cutting over my head as I turn to see Emily running up to me.

“Are they okay?” She meets my stare before looking at Gabriel. “Did you stop the fight?”

His eyes crawl back to me as I turn to face him. They search my face until locking on my gaze with restrained anger rolling behind them.

Without looking away from me, he says, “Emily, I’m going to ask once that you walk away.”

“I need to know,” she begs.

His jaw tightens, his eyes finally shooting back to her, but I turn before he can say anything.

“They’re fine,” I answer for him. “The guys were able to pull them apart. You said you were leaving. Why are you still here?”

Her turquoise eyes flit to the house and back to me. “I just had to make sure. It’s my fault.”

“You both seem to be at fault for a lot of things lately.”

The deep whisper of Gabriel’s voice drags my attention back to him. There is a question and a warning in those words, accusation in his tone.

Knowing I have to get this conversation over with so he can see what I did isn’t as bad as he thinks, I glance back at Emily and offer her a weak smile.

“The twins are fine. I promise. Just take off, and I’ll call you later.”

She nods, her eyes glancing at the house once more before she turns with keys in hand to walk off to her car.

I stare after her until her shadow is indistinguishable from the rest in Copyright 2016 - 2024