Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,130

it’s still by my hand, regardless of whether I want it or not.

I swallow the rest of my drink and slam the glass down on the counter. “We have to find a way to fix this. I did this to her. And after we’re done fixing this, I have to-“


What else is there to do than walk away from her? No matter what I try to do when it comes to Ivy, I end up hurting her.

“I need to stay the fuck away from her, so I don’t end up destroying her in some other way.”

Pouring another drink, my jaw tics because walking away is the last thing I want.

“Does she know you did this to her?” Luca asks, her voice soft.

Shrugging, I explain, “I admitted it to her the other day.”

“And she didn’t claw out your eyes?”

“Not while I was pissing her off about something else at the same time. Why?”

A bark of laughter shakes her shoulders.

“Let me clue you in to something, Gabe. Women can be mad about different things all at the same time. It’s a special talent. So why wasn’t she mad about you setting her up?”

“What does it matter?” Tanner barks. “The problem we’re facing now is that we just lost all leverage to drag information out of her dad.”

“Of course, that’s all you’re worried about,” Luca tosses back.

Tanner grins, but the expression flattens on his next thought. “He’s just as dirty as our families.”

When his stare meets mine, I nod in agreement. “All this time, I thought she was the spoiled princess. I never guessed she was as trapped as us.”

I’d treated her like crap the entire time, too. It’s just another thought that tightens my fist, sets my jaw, and makes me want to go back in time to see what had been standing in front of me all along.

The front door slams open, several sets of footsteps heading our direction. I turn to watch most of the guys shuffle in. It’s convenient we all live so close to each other. It makes moments like this possible.

After they all take seats around the room, I notice one is missing.

“Where’s Ezra?”

Damon’s amber stare shoots my direction, anger bright behind his eyes. “Not here. Let’s just get this over with so I can get back to what I was doing.”

Something has been rubbing at the twins for the past few weeks, and I’m not the only one who’s noticed.

We’ve kept an ear out to make sure their father has refrained from calling them, but with the promise of keeping Luca under thumb now gone, our leverage over William is gone too.

“What’s up with you?” Tanner asks, his careful gaze pinning Damon in place.

Damon sits back in his seat and runs a hand over his head, his legs stretched out in front of him. Despite the relaxed posture, it’s obvious to everyone he’s on edge.

“Let’s stop worrying about me and get to the reason you told everybody to come over.”

My brow cocks to hear the razor edge to his voice.

The problem with the twins is they are live grenades that must be handled properly. Judging by the air around Damon now, it’s only a matter of time before he explodes.

Tanner senses it as well, his body going still as he watches Damon with concern.

The only way I can diffuse this for now is to redirect Damon’s attention.

“Ivy’s father has video of her torching his pavilion ten years ago. He told me that if we don’t back off, he’ll leak the tape and arrest her.”

“And that’s our problem, why?”

My eyes cut to Jase where he leans against a wall, his arms crossed over his chest. Sadly, if it doesn’t involve Everly, he couldn’t give a fuck. So I go that route.

“Her dad has a link to your girl. You might want it to be your problem if you hope to find her again.”

Despite our exchange, Tanner is still eyeing Damon. He only pulls away from the stare down when silence falls across the room.

Dark green eyes meet mine. “We need something against the Governor to lock him in place.”

“I might be able to help you with that.”

My gaze shoots past Tanner to watch Ivy, Emily and Ezra walk into the room, a mixture of anger, guilt and worry dousing my blood as her blue eyes meet mine.

She smiles, her expression the sweet one that has driven me mad for years. “You look surprised to see me. Did you actually think my father could keep me locked in Copyright 2016 - 2024