Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,127

knows that, you’re delusional. He’s never been good for you. And the sad fact that you apparently will never see is that you’re nothing but an amusement to him. Something to be tossed aside when he’s done playing his games. I don’t know for sure what he’s after now, but if it’s what I suspect, then you need to stay the fuck out of it.”

When he releases me, I have to step back a few times to keep from falling over. Dad’s eyes glare down at me, disgust rolling behind them for the tears sliding down my cheeks.

Straightening his jacket, my father tugs his cuffs into place and pins me with his dark stare. “Leaking that tape isn’t the worst I can do to you. And it’s definitely not the worst I can do to Gabriel. Don’t fucking try me, Ivy. This is my last warning. If you disobey me again, there will be repercussions.”

Our eyes lock, mine in refusal to do as I’m told and his in promise of destroying everybody who challenges him. It only cements the idea in my head that my father’s hands are buried in something awful, that he’s involved in something so goddamned wrong that he’s willing to destroy his own child to keep it secret.

My father, the man who has always been my hero, is as dirty as the rest of them. Except he hides behind the feigned smile of a politician, his secrets buried beneath shady side dealings and eloquent lies.

The loyalty I once had for him is gone. Burned up. Fucking shredded because I realize I’m just another pawn. A damn trinket he uses to pretend to be a good man.

Behind me, my mother’s soft voice floats into the room.

“Honey, Harrison tells me you’re ready. Oh! Ivy, sweetheart, I didn’t know you’re here.”

I spin around to lock eyes with Mom. She looks beautiful in a pastel blue dress, her blond hair swept up in an elegant twist, diamonds sparkling in her ears and around her neck.

Another trinket, I realize. One that’s perfectly happy to play the part.

“Is everything okay?”

She steps toward me, but my father shoves me aside to meet her before she can reach me.

“We’re late, Allison. We should go.”

“What’s going on?” she asks, her blue eyes darting to me again.

“We’ll discuss it in the car.” Dad drags mom off before I can answer.

Glancing at me from over her shoulder as they leave the room, mom drops the subject, but then she’s always been a social butterfly happy to do as she’s told.

It’s exactly what my father wants me to become.

Fuck that.

And fuck him.

This girl behaves for no one.

I’m wiping the tears from my face when Harrison appears in the doorway again, his expression stoic as ever. Although, this is nothing new. My father and I have fought more times than I can count. Harrison has had plenty of practice controlling his reactions.

Dad was right about one thing, though. Every time we’ve fought, it had something to do with Gabriel. Some aspect of our war that went too far and my father had to clean up.

Only this time, Gabriel is on my side just as much as I’m on his. I refuse to believe he’s given up.

“It’ll be nice having you home for a while, Miss Callahan. You’ve been missed. Is there anything you need before I show you to your room?”

He means my old bedroom. The one with the convenient lock on the outside. My father had that installed when I was in high school. It was just another one of his attempts to control me.

Knowing better than to argue, I force myself to smile sweetly. “Not at all. I guess I should run on upstairs and get ready for bed.”

His lips curl at the corners. “I think that’s wise. Your father insisted you stay put until he gets home from his benefit dinner.”

Stalking past him, my heels click over the marble floors. “I can’t believe you’re on his side, Harrison. Even you know this is wrong.”

He’s a silent presence at my back as we head up the stairs, his voice finally breaking into my thoughts when we reach my door.

“If it keeps you safe, Miss Callahan.”

Stepping around me to open the door, his brown eyes meet mine. “We both know your father only has your best interests at heart.”

Best interests, my ass.

I step into the room and hear the door quietly close at my back, the lock clicking into place a second later. With a roll of my Copyright 2016 - 2024