Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,119

him making calls and moving players.

Getting the code to his safe is also an added benefit. If there are any records that he doesn’t want people to see, they would be in there.

The drive to Gabriel’s office doesn’t take long. Thankfully traffic is light, and I’m pulling into the underground garage within a half hour. Rather than calling to let him know I’m here, I use the code he gave me for the private elevator in the hopes of surprising him.

I should have known it would be impossible. He’s waiting for me outside the doors as soon as I reach his floor.

“Tracking me again?”

He grins, the curl to his mouth full of mischievous charm. “You make it so easy. Although, I’d love to have a special collar made for you with a tracking chip. Maybe a bell also so people will know when you’re sneaking around and up to no good.”

Gabriel offers me his hand to help me step off the elevator. When he tugs me to him and his mouth covers mine, I momentarily lose the ability to breathe.

Pure heat rolls off his mouth and tongue, his teeth catching my bottom lip in a tease.

“Did he tell you anything?” Gabe asks when he pulls away.

Taking a second for my heart rate to return to normal, I shake my head. “No. He just handed me a new credit card and demanded I return home.”

Planting another soft kiss on my mouth, his green eyes are liquid heat. “Too late for that. Now that I have you, I’m not letting go.”

“Good luck telling him that.”

“That’s the plan, love.”

Gabriel winks and then pulls me along with him deeper into the office. The first door we pass is Tanner’s, and I peek in to see him sitting at his desk barking orders at somebody on the phone.

“Hold on, Jake. There’s a problem in the office I need to address.”

Tanner drops the phone on his desk, stands up and marches toward me. His eyes meet mine just before he slams the door in my face.

Laughing at that, I turn to Gabe. “I’ve never felt so unwelcome.”

He smiles. “Allow me to fix that for you.”

Leading me around a corner, Gabriel’s hand squeezes mine when applause breaks out, the office staff all standing in front of us with their eyes on me. They move out of the way as we approach, my cheeks heating with embarrassment.

“What the hell is this?”

“Thanks for what you did to Tanner.”

Laughter bubbles over my lips just as an arrogant voice booms from the direction of Tanner’s office.

“That better not be what I think it is! Back to work!”

Everybody claps a little softer as we hear his door slam shut.

Walking me past an office with glass walls, Gabriel lifts my hand and spins me around like a dance, then tugs me backwards into his office before closing the door.

“Which one was Lacey?”

My knees go weak as he sweeps my hair aside and kisses my neck.

“She’s on vacation, which is why Tanner is so pissed. It’s part of her new benefits package.”

His teeth nip at my shoulder, and if not for his arm around my waist, I would have melted to the floor.

“Benefits package, huh?”

He nods and leads me back to his desk. Without letting me go, he taps a button on his desk, and the windows become opaque.

“Yeah, in fact, I’ve been thinking about a new addition I’ll need added to mine.”

Gabriel’s voice has a rough edge that whispers between my inner thighs. He leads me to stand facing him, my ass up against his desk, his fingers gripping my hips to lift me up to sit on the surface.

“What are you doing?”

“Renegotiating my employment contract,” he says as he sits down in his chair and grips my thighs to spread my legs, his hands sliding up my skirt so he can slip his thumbs beneath the sides of my panties.

I glance over my shoulder at the door. “Someone could walk in.”

“They won’t.” He tugs my panties down so fast that I lift my ass without thinking.

Green eyes capture mine, an arrogant smirk tilting his lips as he slides them down my legs and over my heels.

Slipping the panties in his pocket, he directs my feet to the armrests and scoots his chair closer while grabbing my hips to tug me to the edge of the desk.

Hand splayed over my abdomen, he directs me to lie back, my eyes clenching shut as soon as he leans forward to breathe between my legs.

“Oh, god...”

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