Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,111

from the sand that has always been our battleground.

Gabriel’s hand slides to the cheek of my ass to lift me up, my legs wrapping around his waist as my fingers dive into his hair, and I pull him tighter into the kiss.

Breathing isn’t necessary because he has always been my air. The influence that gives me life. The man who painted all my colors and showed me who I am.

Even if he never knew it.

Even if I’ve never admitted the truth of what I felt.

Gabriel’s biceps bunch as he yanks me from the door and carries me to the large couch in the center of the room, my back pressed against the soft leather as his hips spread my legs apart, his hand sliding up the back of my thigh.

Fingertips drag red trails up my skin, and I squirm at the desperation I feel in him. I don’t care about the marks. He can carve his damn name in my skin if that’s what he wants.

Take it all, I think. It’s always been there for you to grab onto...

Breaking our kiss, he presses his forehead to mine, green eyes trapping me in place so full of heat they’re liquid.

“How do you do this to me?” he growls, and I tremble beneath the rough edge of his voice.

I blink up at him, heavy breath beating quickly over my lips.

“Do what?”

“Take away my control? You’ve always done it.”

His fingers clamp down on my leg harder, my eyes fluttering closed because I don’t know what to say, don’t know what to feel.

All I know is I need him to run that hand up higher and show me what I do to him.

“Show me,” I breathe out. “Just show yourself to me for once.”

The last thread of hesitation snaps, and Gabriel gives me everything.

His mouth claims mine again, and he shoves my skirt up to my hips with one hand while peeling the thin strap of my dress off my shoulder with the other.

Gabriel’s teeth sink into my bottom lip, his hand still dragging the top of my dress down until it’s a bundle of fabric covering my abdomen, a thin barrier lost as he takes everything I’ve always been willing to give him.

A masculine sound rattles in his chest as his hand locks over my breast, his thumb circling the nipple before he dips his head down to suck it into his mouth so hard that my head falls back and electricity shoots like a line down to my core.

I’m fighting to drag his shirt off his body, and he’s shoving my panties down my legs.

We’re a coordinated effort struggling to strip away every barrier between us, frantic to finally come together in a way that leaves both of us naked and bare.

Not just our bodies, though.

We want to see everything.

Taste it.

Bite it.

Fucking bleed for each other, if necessary.

Releasing my breast to rip the shirt over his head, his mouth lands on my neck, his tongue sweeping out at my pulse as my hands fight to unbutton his pants.

My fingers lose their grip when he thrusts three fingers inside me, stretching them apart until his name rolls off my lips.

“Fuck, Gabriel...”

I can feel his smile against my skin.

The real one.

But it’s gone as a moan crawls up his throat, the wet sounds of his hand moving between my legs only turning me on more.

Mouth to my ear, he teases me.

“It’s time for you to pray again. I won’t fucking stop until you’re screaming it.”

My voice is trembling when I argue, “I don’t pray. Oh! God...”

He laughs. “There it is.”

His hand thrusts harder, and I’m shoved up the couch, my back arching as his lips close over my nipple, his teeth teasing me before he moves to the soft flesh and bites down to bruise the skin.

Fingers twisting into his hair, I lose the battle against the first orgasm that assaults me, his thumb circling my clit just as my inner muscles tighten around his fingers.

“Do you see me now?” he breathes against my ear.

Nodding my head, I can’t speak with the waves of pleasure rolling through me, can’t see past the stars bursting behind my eyes.

My entire body goes taut, and I just ride it, become lost to what his hand is doing to me, shiver beneath the way his lips trail down my neck until his teeth sink into the soft spot that drives me wild.

Catching my breath, I blink my eyes open.

“I want to see all of you.”

Our gazes meet for Copyright 2016 - 2024