Four Summers - By Nyrae Dawn Page 0,86


“I had the third summer and now you the fourth,” I finish. It’s amazing, I realize. Having that with someone. Having it with her.

She licks her lips, something she does when she wants me to kiss her. It’s another of those things I know about her that I hope no one else ever does. I lean forward, needing to feel my mouth on hers. Charlotte’s breath catches. I want to swallow each and every sound she makes. “I’m so freaked out right now. I just need something familiar. Can I kiss you?”

“Déjà vu.” She smirks, reminding me how I asked her the same question in the past. “Yes.”

Only I don’t get the chance. The doors leading back through the ER open and Dad comes out again.

Brandon jerks out from around a corner and I pull from Charlotte to step toward him. “Is everything okay?”

“Oh! Wow. Surprised to see you kids here. I didn’t even know you were in New York.” Dad says to Charlotte and Alec.

“They’re here for two weeks,” I say.

“Thanks for coming. I’m sure Nathaniel and Brandon appreciate the support.” Dad tells them.

Brandon steps closer to Dad. “How’s Mom?”

“Better. The bleeding has almost completely stopped. That doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods yet, but it’s a good sign. They’re bringing her upstairs in about five minutes. The doctor said you boys could go in and see her for a minute, and then why don’t you head home? There’s nothing you can do here right now. If anything changes, I’ll call.”

Brandon and I look at each other. My brother nods. “Yeah…okay.”

“It’s the third room on the right,” Dad tells us. Brandon and I go in to see Mom. She’s all covered up in white hospital blankets, her hair a mess, but with a small smile on her face.

“Hey, guys.” Her voice is raspy.

“Hey…” I grab her hand and Brandon steps to the other side, doing the same. She has IVs in and there are machines all around.

“How are you?” I ask.

“Okay. Tired.”

“Mom?” Brandon’s voice cracks and his eyes pool. Shit. I don’t think I’ve ever seen my brother cry. Not since we were kids, at least.

“Shh. Your brother and I will both be fine. You understand that? I promise you guys. The Chase boys are fighters. This little guy is going to take after both of you. My strong, brave, wonderful boys. He’ll be okay and we’ll all get to meet him and you two will be able to show him just how wonderful you both are, okay?”

My eyes are wet, too. I squeeze her hand, but not too tight, afraid I’ll hurt her. “You’re strong, too,” I tell her.

Mom smiles. “I love you guys. Go home and get some rest. Your dad and I have his under control. We’ll call you later.”

I nod before leaning down to kiss her, and then Brandon does the same.

Dad gives us another hug when we walk back out to the waiting room. “I told Charlotte and Alec that they’re welcome back at the house with you guys.” He eyes me. “But be good. I’m trusting you.” But he really means me since I’m the one bringing a girl home to an empty house for who knows how long.

“I will.”

Brandon’s quiet as Dad goes back into the waiting room. Charlotte and Alec walk up to us and I say to Charlotte, “Do you have to go back?”

She shakes her head. “No and I can’t believe how long you’ve traveled every day, Nate. I didn’t know.”

“It’s not a big deal.”

And even though I can’t stand Alec, I’m glad he took the train ride with her to keep her safe. When the four of us walk out of the hospital, I can’t help but think it feels good. It feels like so many of our summers from the past.

“I can’t believe I’m in your house.” Charlotte stands in the entryway looking around. “It’s huge, Nate. How many bedrooms are in this thing?”

“Six. Wanna come up to mine?”

Her eyes go wide and it makes me crack a smile. “Just to sleep. I’m tired as hell.”

“Yeah… I do. But I just have to talk to Alec for a second.”

Of course he picks that moment to walk up. They don’t say anything. He pushes a hand through his blond hair. Maybe it makes me a prick, but I’m not walking away and leaving him alone with her.

“I’m good,” Alec tells her and I wonder why he wouldn’t be.

“Brandon can show him to one of the guest rooms,” Copyright 2016 - 2024