The Four Stages of Loving Dutch Owen - Debra Kayn Page 0,79

her to get up, go to work, come home, and eat.

It would get easier now that Dutch will formally patch in with the Moses Lake Chapter during their next meeting. Knowing he made plans and had rearranged his life to make his home with her gave her security.

The phone in her hand vibrated. She jumped and looked for the familiar 'unknown number' on the screen, but it was Alyssa.

She answered, "Hi."


"Nope. Just waiting for Dutch to come home." She straightened her legs on the step. "Aren't you at work tonight?"

"It's slow, so I thought I'd call you really quick and see how you're doing. When I talked to you Wednesday morning, it was chaotic at the clubhouse. I couldn't hear that well, much less talk."

"I'm fine." She looked down the empty road. "What was happening at the clubhouse?"

"Andrea got caught having sex with Trip. Riot...well, he started a riot." Alyssa laughed. "It was actually pretty funny because Andrea took all her belongings Riot was throwing out the door, walked back in, and unloaded everything in Trip's room—and those two guys bunk in rooms that are side by side."

"Oh, God." She laughed. "And, ew. Riot."

"I know, right?"

"Crazy." It felt good to hear Alyssa's voice, share gossip, and stay in contact. "Hey, I'll be able to see you next month. We're coming to Bellevue."

"I'm so excited. When?"

"The twenty-third. We'll stay over the weekend with Rachel and Skull," she said.

"We'll plan something with you, Dutch, me, and King."

"Sounds good."

"I better get back to work. Call me this weekend?"

She smiled. "Of course. Talk to you later."

Marla disconnected the call and made sure she hadn't missed any phone calls while she'd talked. Tapping her toes, she waited for Dutch.

She checked the time, hoping he arrived before the sun disappeared. As soon as she made her wish, a faraway hum got her attention.

Straining to hear, she stood. He was on the highway. Skipping to the driveway, she waited.

It only took him a couple of minutes, and he came into sight. And what a sight he was decked out in black, wearing his sunglasses. His hair and beard flowed with the wind.

She raised her arm and waved over her head. He revved the motor, sending a thrill between her legs.

Turning in a half-circle as he rode in and backed his Harley until his rear tire almost touched the house, she approached him.

As soon as he turned off the bike, she threw her arms around his neck. "I've missed you."

He grabbed her around the waist, hauling her with him when he exited the bike. His eyes flared, and she kissed him. He came in like an inferno, hot and bothered.

She moaned as her need for Dutch amplified.

"I've got something big for you." He carried her to the house with one arm, nuzzling her neck.

She lifted her legs and wrapped them around him as he carried her into the house. With love mixed with arousal, she wiggled to get down when the door slammed shut.

She worked her fingers over his belt and unfastened the front of his jeans. Her skill at undressing him growing more every day.

He groaned as she wrapped her fingers around his cock and stroked. Brought home something big was an understatement. Dutch was primed and throbbing after being away from her.

"Fuck, Marla Marie." His ass clenched, and he thrust into her hand.

She leaned over and flicked her tongue over the slit at the end, catching a musky drop of arousal, before rubbing his cock along her cheek.

He took his shirt off and then dug his hand into her hair, holding the strands back. She tilted her head and gazed up at him. He stared down at her intently.

She loved the way he was all in when it came to sex. Straightening, she continued to stroke him and slipped her other hand into his jeans and cupped his balls, letting her finger slide on the sensitive area underneath.

"Shit, woman." His knees locked.

He made her wet and wanting. The shorts and T-shirt she had on were too much, even though she'd gone without a bra and panties in anticipation of him coming home.

Dutch circled her wrists with his hands and pulled her off him. Walking her backward to the bedroom. The back of her knees bumped into the mattress, and she landed on the bed with a plop. Once he let go of her, she hurried to take off her clothes.

He stripped all the way off, throwing all his clothes on the floor, except for his vest, Copyright 2016 - 2024