The Four Stages of Loving Dutch Owen - Debra Kayn Page 0,38

her shirt. "It's going to take forever."

"Yeah, it'll feel like that for a while." He let his head fall before meeting her gaze again. "Now, tell me about work."

"It's the same thing all the time. Nothing has happened," she muttered.

"No new rabbits?"

"It's winter."

"Any snow on the ground?"

"Not now, but last week we had a snow day, but it all melted by noon." She inched forward on her chair. "Alyssa is learning to drive in the snow. Her dad took her up in the mountains."

"Yeah?" He latched on to the change of subject. "How'd she do?"

"Okay, I guess. She said it was scary but fun."

"Ask Skull to teach you to drive next winter if it snows." He raised his brows. "Did you take your driving test yet?"

She shook her head. "I...just couldn't. But I will. Soon."

Rachel had told him that Marla Marie kept to herself after he was arrested. She'd wallowed in melancholy, distancing herself from her friends and basically going to school and work, then coming home to her room.

"Once I'm able to drive, I can come here more often. I've been saving my money from work so I can buy a used car." She glanced around the room. "Do they really lock you in a cell, or can you walk around?"

"During the day, I can walk around with the others on my block. At night, they lock the door to my cell."

She nodded, chewing on the corner of her lip. "Is the food good?"

"I won't starve."

"I hate this."

"I know you do." He stroked her hands with his thumbs, catching another prisoner eyeing Marla Marie.

The man sat with an older guy, probably his dad. Movement under the table grabbed his attention. The inmate rubbed his crotch, practically salivating while looking at Marla Marie.

Dutch let go of her hands, reached down, and grabbed the leg of her chair, turning her sideways to block the guy's view of her.

"What are you doing?" She grabbed onto the table, skidding the chair legs back to face him.

He stopped her from moving. "Listen, Marla Marie."

She frowned and whispered, "What?"

"This is no place for a girl like you." He took in the inmate's details, remembering him. "I'm going to stop doing visitations."

"No. Please." She grabbed his hand. "I have to see you."

"I can call you once a week."

"It's not the same." Her face reddened. "How will I know if you're okay? What if you need something?"

"I'll tell you over the phone, and Skull or someone from the club will check in on me. I'll make sure they let you know what I look like and how I'm doing. Anything you want to know, you can ask them."

Her hands trembled. "No. I have to see you."

Needing to distract her from what was happening behind her, he leaned closer. "Why?"

"Because...because then I know you haven't left me."

Unable to deny her something she needed, knowing the vulnerabilities of her upbringing and her fear that her circumstances could change at any second, she held on to the promise that he would never leave her.

He shushed her as tears filled her eyes. "We'll work something out, yeah?"

She nodded fervently. "Anything. Please, don't keep me from coming to see you."

Avoiding the problem, he concentrated on getting her out of prison without doing more damage to her.

By the time the hour of visitation ended, he was ready to kill the guy who whacked off while fantasizing about Marla Marie. He was sure the guards were aware of his actions and had let the guy continue masturbating.

"They're going to make me leave, and I'm not ready to go." She put a death grip on his hands.

"Stand up, and you can hug me." He brought her close, wrapping his arms around her.

She refused to let go. He pried her off him and put his lips on her ear. "Go straight out to Skull. Don't talk or look at anyone else."

Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she nodded. "Promise to call me."


"I'll write to you." She stepped away and stopped. "I'll get my license, and then I can come back."

He lifted his chin, not taking his gaze off her. Watching her leave made him feel as though someone had stolen his heart.

Marla Marie walked out of his view. Clenching his teeth, he swung his gaze to the jerkoff who liked to beat off to children.

The man smirked, having seen Dutch and Marla Marie's goodbye. Not backing down, he waited until the inmate stood by the door, ready to go back to his block.

He stepped in line Copyright 2016 - 2024