The Four Stages of Loving Dutch Owen - Debra Kayn Page 0,35

fluttered, nearly closing. He recognized what was happening and brought his cock down on her. Only her shorts and his jeans kept him from fucking her.

The harder pressure was enough for the pleasure she sought to take hold of her. Her breathing stopped, and for a second, he waited for her next breath, afraid he'd taken her too far.

She moaned as her whole body tightened like a vise around him. All he could do was stare in fascination, swept up in the beauty she was experiencing. He had no time to wish he was right there with her, getting his nut off.

It was enough that her first time experiencing the results of what her body could provide her was with him. That no one else could take that from him.

When her body came down and went limp, she opened her eyes. An electric connection between them shook through his body as if he was deep inside of her, despite his cock still in his jeans, pounding hard.

He smoothed the hair off her face. Everyone who looked at Marla Marie saw a pretty teenager, a bit wild and untouchable. A girl who held everyone an arm-length away to protect herself.

But, in her, he'd seen the heart of his soul. The one he never thought he had.

"I...I think it happened. That was an orgasm, right?" she whispered.

He couldn't move. "Don't give that to anyone but me."

Her heart beat wildly against him. "Can I do that by myself?"

His chest seized, and he exhaled harshly. "Yeah, knock yourself out."

A smile blossomed on her face at the same time a door opened in the house. He pushed off her, sliding his hand in his jeans and shoving his hard cock to the side.

Rachel walked into the room and tossed her purse onto the chair. "You're awake already?"

His sister took in Marla Marie's disheveled appearance, sprawled out on the couch and his tension-filled stance, and tightened her mouth before walking out of the room without saying a word.

Finding his pack of cigarettes, he picked them up and walked out the front door. He needed to get a grip. Lighting the smoke, he leaned against the house and tried to forget what had happened, but Marla Marie's orgasm fiercely clung to him and refused to let go.

Chapter 15

RACHEL STORMED OUT of the house and shoved him. Dutch braced, knowing she had the right to rip him a new asshole.

"What is going through your thick head?" She planted her hands on his chest and pushed him again in anger.

Not budging, he wouldn't allow anyone—not even his sister—to tell him how to live his life. No one could stop him from having what he wanted.

He knew Marla Marie better than anyone because she let him in.

"I saw the look on Marla's face." She clamped her mouth shut and let out a muffled scream. "I can't believe you. She's a child, Dutch. No one. Absolutely no one has a right to put a hand on her. You have no idea what you've done to her. Girls don't get over being abused—"

"Shut your fucking mouth." He stepped forward, making her back up. "I never abused her."

"What do you call that?" She pointed toward the door. "She's sixteen years old."

"What happens between her and me is our business. If she has a problem, she'll go to you. You know how she feels about me from the day I brought her to you."

"You gave her to me." Rachel poked him in the chest. "She's my daughter."

The roar of a motorcycle approaching kept him from telling her exactly what he'd done. He never had any intentions of handing Marla Marie over to Rachel and cutting her out of his life. He needed someone to raise her, where she was safe and loved. To give her some kind of normalcy.

Sure, he was thinking about Rachel at the time. He wanted to do something for her to help her get through the miscarriage. But, he never walked out of Marla Marie's life.

He lived on the road. When he was free, he was here, seeing after Marla Marie.

Not once had Rachel or Skull told him to butt out of their lives. They welcomed him returning and sorting out Marla Marie's problems and the trouble she would get in. He was always the first person they called.

Rachel couldn't kick him out of Marla Marie's life now.

He stepped away, looking out at the street, seeing Skull arriving. Fuck. Could today get any worse?

"What am I supposed to do?" Rachel Copyright 2016 - 2024