The Four Stages of Loving Dutch Owen - Debra Kayn Page 0,29

was happening. While he talked, a gunshot rang out.

She flinched, grabbing onto him tighter. It wasn't the first time someone's temper exploded until a gun or knife came out—especially at the yearly rally. Two years ago, Tony's dad got shot in the arm. The next day, everyone seemed to think it was funny, but it was scary to see blood everywhere. There was still a stain on the floor by the doorway, and the WAKOM members often stood on the spot and slammed back a shot in remembrance as if it was some great battle like in the history books.

"God damnit." Klew smacked Oughtsix on the chest. "A hundred dollars it was one of Falcon's men who started the trouble."

Another shot echoed in the night. Dutch stiffened before he yelled, "Hey, you. Get your ass over here."

"Don't go back in there." She pushed at Dutch, but he never budged.

Tony skidded to a stop beside them. "Yeah?"

"Watch her. Don't let her out of your sight, and for fuck's sake, don't let her go in the clubhouse." Dutch pushed her toward Tony.

Fear of losing him over something stupid, she wished he'd take her away instead of going inside. Just the two of them. They'd be safe.

"Dutch, no." She reached for him, but he'd jogged to the door with Klew and Oughtsix.

She pressed her hand to her forehead. He shouldn't have gone in there.

"It's probably nothing. An argument or something." Tony lit a cigarette.

She held out her hand. He grinned and passed her the cigarette. Puffing, she paced outside the clubhouse. If something happened to Dutch, what would she do?

Tremors swept through her. Her hand shook. She'd never survive without him in her life.

A crowd burst out of the clubhouse. Tony put his hand on the back of her neck and massaged the tension, only setting her on edge. She wanted Dutch to take care of her.

"Are you okay?" asked Tony, pulling her to his chest.

She nodded. Only Alyssa knew how much she loved Dutch. Their relationship was special, and she wouldn't share her feelings with anyone, not even Rachel and Skull.

A woman walked past her, brushing against her arm. Marla dropped the cigarette and stubbed it out with the toe of her high heel.

Spotting Dutch, she stepped toward him. The woman cut in front of her and latched onto Dutch. Shocked when Dutch put his hands on the woman's hips, Marla couldn't move.

She always knew he fooled around with women—what guy wouldn't when there was plenty of them who hung around the clubhouse and catered to the bikers?

But, she'd never seen Dutch touch someone else. She raised her gaze to his face. He looked straight at her as the woman stretched to kiss him on the neck.

Marla's breath left her body. A ball of vomit blocked her windpipe and she broke out in a cold sweat.

The claws of jealousy squeezed her chest, pushing her heart to the pit of her stomach as pure hatred coiled inside her. And in the next second, she was behind the woman, grabbing her hair before she thought of what she was doing.

The woman screamed, tottering backward. Dutch grabbed her, not Marla, and glared. "What the hell, Marla Marie?"

The woman struck out, catching Marla on the cheek with the flat of her hand. Infuriated, she slapped out at the pain encompassing her. Dutch belonged to her.

Chapter 13

MARLA MARIE DRY-HEAVED in the tall grass outside the clubhouse. Dutch held her hair in case she lost the contents of her stomach. More concerned about the outburst than the sickness—the damn kid guzzled enough alcohol for her stomach to rebel.

She moaned, staying on her knees. He waited several minutes, and when it seemed as if she had things under control, he picked her up and set her on the hood of a nearby car.

Then, he opened the door and searched the interior until he found a pack of mints in the console between the seats. He returned to her.

"Here, suck on one of these. It'll settle your stomach." He handed her the tin.

"Whose are these?" She looked over her shoulder at the car.

"Don't know. Don't care." He put his boot up on the bumper in front of her. "Why'd you attack Evie?"

"Evie?" She curled her upper lip. "More like bitch."

He held in his amusement. The only thing Evie had going for her was the ability to leave right after he fucked her.

"You can't go around attacking people."

Marla Marie's spine stiffened, and she pointed toward the clubhouse. "Then, tell her not Copyright 2016 - 2024