The Four Stages of Loving Dutch Owen - Debra Kayn Page 0,27

back with her hands and brought the strands over her shoulders.

Once they parked and got out, Tony called her name. She found him standing by his motorcycle. Grabbing Alyssa's hand, she hurried toward him, darting through the traffic pulling onto the property.

As she neared, she let go of her friend and threw herself at Tony, hugging his neck. "I'm free."

Tony wrapped his arm around her, lifting her off her feet. "Finally."

She kissed him on the lips. "That's all you can say?"

"What else should I say?"

She wrapped her legs around his hips and cocked her head while he held her. "I don't know. Maybe you missed me, or I look pretty. You didn't even try to sneak in the house to see me or call—because I asked if anyone called the house."

"I ain't going around your old man and get shot when he's pissed at me."

She stuck her lower lip out. "Now you have to make it up to me."

"What do you want?" He turned her and pressed her back against the side of the building.

"Well, you can start with..." Letting him hold her, she twirled her finger in his hair. "Do you have a joint?"

"For you?"

"Of course, for me. Rachel took the one I had in my purse when I walked in the house that morning...ages ago." She kissed him. "Please?"

"Inside my vest."

She slithered her hand underneath the leather and found the hidden pocket. Removing a thin roll of pot, she extracted it.

Then, she wiggled her way off him and landed on her feet, stepping away. Grabbing Alyssa's hand, she waved at Tony.

Tony glared. "You're a cock tease."

She laughed, shaking her head, and turned around. She and Alyssa ran back to the truck and hid on the other side, opposite the clubhouse's door. She had no interest in Tony, except for fun.

He got frustrated with her always teasing him, but she only liked him as a friend. He was the one who knew where everyone partied and could buy beer for her and Alyssa.

"Do you have a lighter?" asked Alyssa.

"Duh." She slid her hand in her pocket. "There are only two things a girl needs. A lighter and lipstick."

"Three." Alyssa giggled. "Dick."

"Here's to dick." She lit the end of the joint and inhaled deeply, holding the smoke in while passing to Alyssa.

Exhaling on a cough, she said, "Let's save the rest until later. I need to go check-in, so Rachel and Skull don't send fifty members out looking for me."

On the way to the door, she carefully put the rest of the joint in her bra. There was no way Rachel or Skull would find it there.

Inside the clubhouse, music blared. Her chest vibrated, and she laughed, winding her way through the crowd with Alyssa. Several of the men grabbed her, and she wiggled out of their grasp, dancing around them, giggling when they whistled at her.

Five minutes later, the warmth inside the building had her sweating. She turned away and wound her way through the tables set up and found an empty one with extra chairs.

She plopped down and crossed her legs, lifting her hair off the back of her neck. Alyssa pointed. Several drinks were sitting on the table in front of them.

Alyssa leaned closer and yelled, "Where are my parents?"

"I don't know. Look for them." She, in turn, searched for Rachel and Skull. "I don't think they're in here, or if they are, they're behind that crowd over there."

They both leaned forward, grabbing a cup, and drank fast. She laughed, dribbling some of the liquid onto her chin before the heat burned her throat, and she coughed. The only way they were allowed to party at the clubhouse was if they snuck drinks.

She elbowed Alyssa and nodded toward another drink on the other side. Alyssa grabbed it, taking a drink before passing it to her.

A hand shot out and knocked the cup from her grasp. "Hey. Watch it."

Dutch appeared beside her, grabbing her upper arm and dragging her from the chair. He nailed Alyssa with a look and ordered, "Stay."

Not having any option but to try and keep up with him as he dragged her out of the clubhouse, she almost came out of her heel as she stumbled over the door jamb.

Glad to see him, she couldn't even drum up enough anger toward him for pulling her away from the party. She hurled herself at him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"You came back." She peered up at him. "Why didn't you bust me out Copyright 2016 - 2024