The Four Stages of Loving Dutch Owen - Debra Kayn Page 0,14

them mentioned how she was going back home as soon as Dutch made up his mind.

"Okay. I'll do you first." Alyssa brushed her hands at Marla's hair. "Ugh, you've got so much hair."

She gathered the strands over her shoulder and held the hair in her fist. "Make my lashes really long."

"Do you want black, brown, um, tan, or sparkles on your eyelids?" Alyssa opened the container.

"Black. Definitely black." She leaned forward and closed her eyes. "I wish I had lipstick."

"Just bite your lips hard and rub them together. They'll get redder."

The brush tickled her face. She held still, not wanting Alyssa to make a mistake.

"I hope Cade is coming to the clubhouse tonight," said Alyssa.

"Are you going to tell him you like him?"

Cade was the cutest boy that always came with his parents to the parties. He was fifteen years old, two years older than her and Alyssa, and had a stuck-up girlfriend. Nobody liked her because she was snotty to everyone but Cade.

"No, never. He'll have to tell me first if he likes me."

"You'll never get a boyfriend if you wait for them to make the first move." Marla blinked her eyes open when she felt Alyssa stop. "What?"

"That's something you would do, not me. I'm too shy. I couldn't just hang on a boy. What if he pushed me away?" Alyssa waved her hand in the air. "Close your eyes."

She closed her eyelids. "It's not about being brave or shy. Cade's just a boy."

"I don't know about that." Alyssa finished. "Okay, open them."

She raised her brows and looked up while Alyssa used the mascara. "Don't poke me in the eye."

"I won't." Alyssa took her time, bending her wrist this way and that way while stroking the wand on her lashes. "Who are you going to flirt with tonight?"


"Not Johnny?"

She groaned. "Gross."

Alyssa completed the other eye. "Done. Let me look at you."

She posed, batting her lashes. "Well?"

"You look older." Alyssa licked her thumb and rubbed it under Marla's eye. "There. Perfect. Now, do me."

Her stomach fluttered in nerves while she worked on putting makeup on Alyssa's face. Tonight wasn't just a party for WAKOM Motorcycle Club. She'd overheard Rachel telling Skull that Dutch would be here and staying for five days.

She put a fine line of darker shadow in the crease of Alyssa's eyelid. It'd been almost six months since Dutch had come to the clubhouse or the house. He'd never stayed away from her that long.

Tonight, he'd see she was old enough to travel with him back to where she used to live when she was little and help her find her mother.

She wouldn't give him any reason to tell her no.

Considering six months ago, the last time he visited, she screamed and hit him because he refused to take her home, she was going to be on her best behavior. She'd prove to him that she was mature enough to return and deal with her mom.

"Are you sure you don't want your eyes darker?" she asked.

Alyssa peered into the tiny mirror inside the eyeshadow container. "I have blonde hair."

"What's that matter? So do I."

Alyssa laughed. "But, black suits you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're brave and wild." Alyssa frowned. "I'm not."

"That's not true." She hugged Alyssa. "You're the nicest, bestest friend ever."

Alyssa squeezed her back, then jolted. "I need to hurry and sneak the makeup back into Amber's purse before she notices and tells my mom."

"I'll keep everyone busy, so they won't notice you." She stood and brushed the grass off the back of her bare legs.

"How are you going to do that?"

She grinned. "Walk into the clubhouse, looking hot."

"Shit," mumbled Alyssa. "Your parents are going to ground you when they see you."

"They can try." She looped her arm around Alyssa's elbow and walked to the door of the clubhouse. Nothing was going to stop her from staying at the party tonight. "Be quick. I'll meet you outside when you're done."

She walked into the clubhouse ahead of Alyssa. Seeing Corbet hanging around the group of boys ogling Amber, she went straight to him and poked him in the shoulder. He turned. She grinned, throwing her arms around his skinny body. With all her strength, she moved him backward—straight into Amber.

"Hey." Amber bounced into Kenny and stayed in his arms longer than needed.

"Oh, gosh. Sorry." She turned Corbet and pushed him, bumping into Kenny, jostling Amber. "I'm a clutz."

"Girl, go outside if you're going to goof off." Amber tossed her hair and looked up at Kenny, whispering to him.

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