Foundations - Kate Canterbary Page 0,27

an endless stream of handkerchiefs, and Andy was driving like a fugitive on the run, but I couldn't process any of that.

Dropping my head to my knees, I closed my eyes and prayed that this baby and these hormones and this goddamn day would all calm the fuck down long enough to handle things.

The ride to Mass General felt like years, but the wait once we arrived was eternal. Nick was walking into surgery when Matt had called, and was only able to send one of his interns to observe. The ER doctors banished Patrick to the waiting room once they had a quick overview of Riley's medical history,

"They didn't tell me anything," Patrick said as he dropped into a chair. "But the paramedics didn't find any bones sticking out. And he was breathing." He ran his hand through his hair and let out a long breath. "The cut on the side of his head was pretty bad, but...he's got a hard head."

"Probably didn't even feel it," Matt said.

"He'll be pissed about missing breakfast," Sam said. "And I think he was heading down to Providence tonight for a Final Four game at The Dunk."

"His ass isn't driving to Rhody tonight," Patrick said. "He'll have to settle for ESPN like the rest of us."

I sent a quick text to Will, telling him where we were and asking him to call me when he got a minute. Sam pushed a bottle of ginger ale into my hand at one point, and I fell asleep on his shoulder shortly after.

I didn't know how long I was asleep, but I found myself roused awake when Sam tugged my elbow and I heard Patrick say, "Oh fuck."

Matt sighed. "Shit," he whispered.

Blinking to clear the fog from my eyes, I glanced around the cramped waiting room to see everyone starting down the hallway. My heart stuttered as I expected to find a doctor in blood-soaked scrubs or Nick shaking his head in that slow, sad way doctors do before they announce they did everything they could. Instead, I saw my husband was flashing his military ID at the security guard.

They let him through the sliding glass doors, and within the blink of an eye, he was kneeling in front of me. His fingers passed over my clammy forehead and down my cheeks, and he said, "What happened? Are you all right?" One hand stroked down my arm and settled on my belly. "Is the baby all right?"

"I knew it!" Andy hissed.

"We're both fine," I said, well aware that Andy and my brothers were all listening very intently now.

"Peanut," he said, his voice straining for patience, "you said there was an accident."

"There was," I said, "but it was Riley. He fell and--"

"Could we maybe talk about this baby?" Matt asked. "When are you due?"

"I'd really enjoy that," Andy said. "And yeah, I need to know when this baby is coming."

Patrick growled in Will's direction. "You got my sister pregnant?"

Will dropped his other hand to my knee. "If you're asking whether my wife is having my baby, the answer is yes."

"Stop it," Andy said to Patrick. "When is this little love child due?"

"Hate to interrupt this very special convo," Nick called as he marched down the hallway, "but I have an update. If you're interested."

He was still wearing his scrub cap, surgical garb, and sneakers, and he looked exhausted.

"How is he?" I asked. "You're going to tell me he's fine because if he's not fine, Nick, you're going to go back in there and make him fine. Got it?"

Nick shook his head, smiling. "You got it, boss." He rubbed his forehead and consulted his tablet. "The good news: he is going to be fine. He's awake, alert, betting on college basketball, hitting on nurses, and passed a neuro exam."

"And the bad news?" Sam asked.

Nick inclined his head as he studied the tablet again. "Five sutures to his temple. Hairline fracture to his collarbone, and that's really uncomfortable. However, the most serious injury is the bruised testicles. He'll need to--"

"I'm sorry," Matt said, laughing. "He bruised his nuts?"

Nick's gaze passed over each of us and he sighed as if he knew he wouldn't be able to keep up his Serious Neurosurgeon routine. "Yes, Walsh, he did. It's very painful and will be very slow to heal. He needs to keep a cool compress on them, and keep a pillow between his legs when he's sitting. He'll need to see a urologist in a few weeks and have his sperm Copyright 2016 - 2024