Found (Lost & Found #2) - Scarlett Finn Page 0,49

she laughed and held his face to pull him down for another kiss. “There’s no guarantee the press won’t snap us out here. We really should behave.”

The beach, sea, and sky were deceptive, as Holden’s sky banner had shown. If a helicopter or plane went by, there was a good chance they would be packing cameras of some kind.

“Good way to give Abernathy the message,” Turner said, scooping her beneath him and sliding a hand up her thigh under her skirt to direct it around his hip. “Who’s your guy?”

“My only guy,” she said, coiling both arms around his neck. “And you bring more to this relationship than the Venture.”

“Heard that, huh?”

“People are what matters,” she said.

“Damn straight,” he said, brushing his nose across hers. “You pulled that out of your hat at breakfast. You couldn’t have said it in bed?”

“We were interrupted in bed.”

“Already ordered a lock, I’ll install it the minute it arrives.”

“Handy and a forward planner, my guy.”

“Gotta live up to the privilege.”

His hand slid higher as she drew her leg up. Kissing Turner was always a thrill. A deep-seated, stir her all up, blank out the rest of the world kind of thrill.

Which may be why Preston had to strain himself in such a dramatic way to get their attention. After they ignored him clearing his throat, he faked a coughing fit that kept on getting louder until ignoring him wasn’t an option.

Turner grunted his annoyance when he pulled away to glare at his friend. “Take a walk.”

Preston laughed. “We’ve got business. You know, it’s not my idea of a good time watching you two roll around on the grass.”

“What business?”

Patting Turner’s chest, Poppy eased him away to sit up, fixing her skirt as she did.

“If we’re inviting Abernathy to a showdown, we need a plan,” Preston said.

As was a hostess’s duty, Poppy began to fill two plates with tasty treats for her guests. “I don’t think we should call it a showdown.”

“I think that’s exactly the mindset we should go in with,” Preston said, suddenly serious. “I don’t know Abernathy personally, but I’ve done my research. He can be a ruthless S-O-B.”

“He needs to get the damn message,” Turner said.

“Yeah, he does, but if this becomes a war, he has to know we’re going to take it all the way.”

The idea of going to war depressed her. Poppy gave the men their food, but when she looked at the spread and thought about eating, she couldn’t muster an appetite.

“We can live here on the estate indefinitely,” she said, fixated on her empty plate. “But I don’t want everyone putting their lives on hold forever.”

The situation impacted more than just her and Turner’s relationship. Faye would have to deal with Kev who’d want to see his kids at some point. Maybe he hadn’t noticed they were gone yet, but he would eventually.

Turner took her hand. “We’ll tell him we’re together. The guy has to know he doesn’t have a chance.”

That was wishful thinking if ever she’d heard it. “The guy was at the altar with my sister and he thought he had a chance. I don’t think the fact I have a boyfriend is going to suddenly deter him.”

“You could get married,” Preston said.

Shocked, Poppy couldn’t believe he’d suggest such a thing, but from the look of Turner, he was open to the idea.

“No,” she said, snatching her hand away from her love. “If we get married it’s because we decide to get married, not because Holden Abernathy can’t get a clue. No way.”

“Right. Good point,” Turner said. “No wedding.”

“We haven’t even decided if marriage is something we want,” Poppy said to Preston. “I know I brought you to the estate and told you to do whatever it took to get rid of Holden, but we can’t let our lives be dictated by him… any more than they are already. You said you’d speak to his people about dinner, what was the answer?”

“We’re still waiting to hear back.” Preston shrugged. “I’d say he’s suspicious, not taking anything at face value.”

“We shouldn’t either,” Turner said.

A phone began to ring. Since Poppy hadn’t brought her phone and Turner didn’t move, she assumed it was Preston’s.

It took him just a second to retrieve it. “Whitlock,” he answered. With each second that passed, his expression became more serious until there was a definite frown on his face. “We’re certain?” Another pause. “Okay, thanks… Yeah.”

He hung up and put the phone on the blanket. Poppy didn’t want to pry, but he Copyright 2016 - 2024