The Fortunates (Unfortunate #2) - Skyla Madi Page 0,58

so sassy.”

My heart explodes into my throat. Gasping, I try desperately to pull away from him. From—“Vince.”

He pulls his hand from my back and wraps his long, strong arm around me, pinning mine to my side. “Relax,” he chides, squeezing me with unbearable pressure.

I wriggle.

He squeezes.

I struggle.

And he laughs.

Vince tightens his fingers in my hair and holds me tight. I can’t move my head, I can’t move anything. My breath escapes me faster than I can inhale it and the seizing feeling of claustrophobia creeps up on me as he locks me in his death grip.

“Relax,” he simply says, like it’s the easiest thing in the world.

“W-where’s Kaden?”


Grunting, I fight him until my muscles burn under my skin, but there’s no getting away. He’s too strong.

“I’ll let you go if you promise to do everything I say.”

I nod and he believes it. The second he releases me, I turn and dive for the door.

Click. The trigger of a gun ticks into place and I freeze, my fingers two inches from the handle.

From freedom.

My blood turns cold and my jaw begins to quake, causing my teeth to chatter and my lips to tremble. What have I done?

“Lock it,” he orders, amusement lacing his tone.

Shuddering, I slowly reach out and lock the door, trapping myself alone with Vincent Sario. I lower my head and slump my shoulders. This is it. The scenario I tried so desperately to avoid from the beginning is finally upon me. It’s naïve to think he’ll let me go without a scratch. It’s naïve to think he won’t take from me in the worst way possible. Vince wouldn’t be Vince otherwise.

Somewhere behind me, he flicks on a lamp, filling the room with a dim light. I remain still, not daring to touch the handle in fear of Vince embedding a bullet into the back of my skull.

“Hmph.” His warm breath blows across the back of my neck and I close my eyes. “I expected more of a fight from you, Unfortunate.”

The acrimony of defeat swirls with guilt in my stomach. I shouldn’t have come here. He glides the top of his gun along my shoulder, pushing down the strap of my dress.

I simper. “And give you what you want? I don’t think so.”

Snorting, he pushes on my other strap, exposing the full tops of my bare breasts. “You don’t have to give me anything. I’m more of a taker.”

“You’re a fu—”

The hard barrel of his gun against the back of my head stops the insult in my throat.

“Ah-ah. I’d watch myself if I was you.”

Tears well in my eyes and I squeeze my tongue against the roof of my mouth. He orders me to turn around and I do as I’m told. I keep my stare downcast to his white sneakers, unable to find the courage to make eye contact. I can’t. I don’t want to acknowledge him…or my foolish mistake.

“Christ. You do have a nice pair of tits on you, don’t you?”

I snap my stare to his and scowl. “Do you honestly think you can hurt me this way?”

“This isn’t about hurting you. When will you get that through your thick skull? This was never about hurting you. You’re going to take whatever I dish out like a good little Unfortunate, I have no doubt about that. You, of course, will recover, but Kaden?” Vince smiles cruelly. “It will destroy him.”

The tears that well in my eyes roll over and drip onto my cheeks. “Don’t do this to him. He’s your brother.”

Ignoring me, Vince reaches for my breast. Every muscle in my body tightens as he brushes my auburn hair out of the way and plucks a piece of my heart from the fold of fabric I tucked it in. I watch as he pinches my engagement ring between his thumb and index finger and analyses it in disgust.

“Well, isn’t this pretty.”

“Give it back.” I snap forward and he pulls the ring back, lifting his gun and levelling it with my face.

I force myself to settle. “Please, don’t lose it…”

Vince backs up, moving toward the bar. His baggy black slacks hang over his shoes and his white tee is two sizes too big. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so casual…which begs the question, how long was he sitting here waiting for me and how did he know I would come?

“So Kade wasn’t lying. He actually does plan on marrying you,” Vince states, pouring himself a glass of whiskey, the gun still pointed at my face.

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