The Forsaken - By L.A. Banks Page 0,50

within them. And you and I both know that there is nothing on the planet more... more... sensual, fulfilling, or completing than giving birth to a new muse-inspired thing... an inventor must invent, a painter must paint, a writer must write, a--"

"Girl, we gotta close that door."

Damali nodded. "Marlene, if he rolls up on Carlos . . ." "And Carlos kills music . . ."

"That's just it, Mar. I don't think Carlos can whup this brother's ass. You should have seen him."

Again, the two women just stared at each other.

"This Neteru is bad, Mar." Damali walked away. "I love my baby, and he ain't no slouch, but. . ."

"Damn," Marlene murmured with appreciation. "You think he could take Carlos?"

"Yeah, like I said," Damali whispered, just shaking her head. "You know how you knew in your heart that if Shabazz went up against Kamal it would be ugly."

Marlene closed her eyes and simply nodded. "Chile . . ."

"Uh-huh. Like that, Mar."

"Damn . . ."

"That's what I keep saying," Damali said, laughing as tears came to her eyes. "Now you see why I wigged?"

"You don't have to say another word," Marlene said, placing her hand over her heart.

"The worst part of it all is, Mar, right about through here, if. . ." Damali shivered and hugged herself and looked out the stained- glass window. "I've gotta get this song outta my head. He turned me on so bad that--"

Marlene held up her hand. "Been there." She sighed and looked at Damali. "Let me repeat. I know Carlos almost got with that were demon, but you now have intimate knowledge of the urge the brother was fighting from what was then his realm. The tables have obviously turned, and the Light is going through something we don't yet understand. But like I tried to tell you, it didn't have anything to do with how much Carlos loved you. It was something real crazy-primal, and for a few, she opened his nose. Now, the shoe, literally, is on the other foot. But you're not going to be able to throw his old dirty laundry up in his face to make a logical argument. This isn't about logic; it's pure emotion. He, as a man, is not going to process the situation with the same level of accepting grace that you, as a woman, did. And before you start arguing with me about what is fair, what's right, and the new millennium, and what have you--we both know, like you know in your soul, this will not go over well."

"So, keep it to myself and get it out of my system while we figure out how to close the rip." Damali let her breath out hard. Grace? Marlene just didn't know. Grace was the last word she'd choose to describe how she'd handled a recent scenario along those very lines. But Marlene was right, going tit for tat about Juanita or any of Carlos's other past misdeeds versus this entity would not go over well, if she slept with it--no matter what.

Marlene looked at her hard and smiled. "Take it to your grave. This is a solo mission." They both smiled.

"This is a porch-rocker moment, baby," Marlene said, her smile widening. "When you're an old lady, and you two are sitting out there watching the sun set, and you chuckle softly to yourself, and he asks, 'Baby, whatcha thinking about?' your response will be, 'Oh, nothing, honey. Just about how much I love you.' He don't even need to know all. But you might wanna let the old girls on the Neteru Council know, for a little help."

"Black box."

"Steel vault."

"Never happened."

"I don't know what you're talking about." "Sho' you're right, Marlene."

A high five was exchanged and Marlene ran her finger over her lips, sealing them.

"Not even Father Pat?"

"He's a priest, and he can't give up no tapes--it's in his oath. He's the only one I can sit with to figure this out." "Shabazz?"

"You crazy?" Marlene said. "Oh, hell no. Too close to home."

Damali nodded and chuckled. "Thanks, Mar."

"For what?" Marlene said with a shrug. "Nothing happened."

The bathroom door opened and startled them. Both women practically fell into the tub.

Shabazz's gaze shot from Marlene to Damali. Suspicion laced his tone. "Everything all right?"

"Of course, baby," Marlene crooned. "She's nearly packed and ready to go. I just wanted her to come back in here with me to see that there was nothing to be afraid of."

Shabazz relaxed, the melodic tone of Marlene's voice seeming to quiet his Copyright 2016 - 2024