The Forsaken - By L.A. Banks Page 0,47

solitude. My momma used to say my daddy acted like that about her church, was as jealous of her time there as if she was out having an affair with another man. He used to--"

Damali snapped her head up and her eyes got wide. The reference to an affair pulled the muscles in her back into a tight chord. "For real? He was jealous of church?"

Marlene gave her a curious look and measured her words. "Yes . . ." Marlene's smile faded to a tight line and she dropped her voice. "Let's go into the bathroom. Just me and you."

Damali shook her head no. "Mar, listen... uh . . ."

"No," Marlene said in a tense whisper. "You listen. Been there, too. I don't even have to remind you of that drama that went down in Brazil and Arizona when my skeletons jumped out of the closet."

Both women giggled as Damali closed her eyes and Marlene pressed on in a private whisper.

"Now, honey, I'ma say this once. All that glitters ain't gold. Carlos is all male, typically so, and at times, a natural pain in the butt-- however, he loves you and you love him. Work it out. One night on the wild side isn't worth losing everything you've built. And none of them are perfect, so, just because he did some mess, doesn't mean you have to retaliate to show--"

"I'm not retaliating. Mar, he's the only guy I've ever been with and now he's talking marriage, permanent lockdown. Sure, he's ready, cool with it, because he's been around the block enough times to make your head spin, but I never even allowed myself to sorta look around, and check out the horizon... what if I'm missing--"

"You do the testing and trying on new shoes before you find the one. After you've found him, it's the rare male animal that can accept that you've tried on another pair after him. Before is hard enough for them to swallow--after, it's not done."

Marlene's gaze was firm but nonjudgmental. "This Richards-Rivera pair is a perfect fit. You mighta spied some shiny new red stilettos in the window, girlfriend, but before the night is over, they might hurt your feet and might not be practical, no matter how good they look in the store. Got it?"

Damali chuckled and began rooting in her drawer again. "But they was a fine fly-ass pair of^shoes--da butta." "How fine?" Marlene asked with a smirk.

"Oh, girl . . ." Damali whispered, her eyes holding Marlene's with mischief.

They both covered their mouths and laughed hard behind their hands.

"This fine," Damali said, finally recovering and letting her voice dip to a sexy, sensual octave, before throwing her head back and crooning in a low whisper.

Lover... just love me hard and tender. You asked, and I surrender. Don't forget, when stars are falling Your colors make me blind. 'Cause, see, lover... Tonight I'm where I'm not supposed to be. Not sure where that is or where you're from... But lover... I'm about to, oh, yeah... lover... Just breathe and I'll answer. This thing is beyond right, but is it wrong? When the moment is what it is... The solstice burns the night to cinder, Cuts hot gold and sends wet shivers Lover... I'm trying to tell you... Your whisper melts... my... yeah, my mind... C'mon lover... don't play with the divine. I ain't right when you stop time

"That is dangerous," Marlene whispered hard, shaking her out of the song.

"Marlene, Marlene, Marlene... the brother stepped out of the astral plane, or some-danged-where, six-five, carrying a gold blade, older... a little silver at the temples, built like a brick-shit-house, and packing enough iron to make you squint--and is a musician."

Marlene shook her head, let out a silent whew, and ran her palm over her locks. "Chile, please, be careful. Ask yourself if you're ready to risk the loss, because that's what it will come down to, a permanent decision based on your actions--you're in control of this dance. Always remember that. They don't have the emotional makeup to take it, if what I think mighta happened almost did. Don't do nothin' crazy, hear?"

"What are you, psychic now?" Damali said, chuckling at her own bad joke.

"Yeah," Marlene said with a conspiratorial smile. "So, talk to me. Who is this guy that had you calling on Jesus for help, huh?" Marlene smiled and closed her eyes. "Girlfriend, that was real bad form. Coulda caused a cosmic standoff."

Damali laughed quietly, wiping her eyes. "He was so fine and Copyright 2016 - 2024