The Forsaken - By L.A. Banks Page 0,211

watched her pores leak the divine energy from every pulse point, every place he'd ever nicked her, each chakra quickly transitioning blur of light beneath her buttery smooth skin--his symbol, her symbol and back again, her system so fired on that he entered her hard.

She hit a note that shattered the flutes on the nightstand; champagne was everywhere. Wait; how? He was just a man.

The sound of her voice sent trebles and cymbals up his spine, elicited a low register he didn't know he owned. Her immediate acapella reaction created an offbeat syncopated rhythm; she returned thrusts twice for his every one while the beads of ecstasy he'd planted and strung began to quickly burst.

He didn't know the phenomenon was connected to him or had tangled him in it. This was supposed to just be for her, but they were one. Wasn't prepared for the psychic disturbance or the fast, hot, elongated molten melody that dredged his sac in spasmodic sound waves.

Every promise he'd made to himself evaporated--he'd sworn to God he'd never bite her again, not his angel. But nature was nature, and oh God, she felt so good.

Fangs dropped on their own accord, the sudden strike was impossible to hold back. Mango and pineapple and champagne and her. Sweet blood, sweet Jesus, her arch was lightning liquid fire. He couldn't stop cuming. White feathers and white rose petals stuck to his mango-drenched hands, his gold-sweat-doused chest, her hair between his fingers, her satin skin in his palms, afraid to break a wing but unable to stop moving between her legs. Baby, forgive me, but you feel so damned good!

Vertigo spiraled down, the earth dropped out beneath him. A hard roll and his stomach was practically in his mouth from the sudden change in direction. His head jerked, sought the pillows, dug into them as she kept moving, drawing broken pleasure beads through his shaft embedded in molten seed. Her straddle was a vise, doing her like this one, too, but he couldn't even stop when she'd presented wings.

She was his wife, she was his wife, Lord, she was his wife!

He forced himself to be a witness and opened his eyes. Sunlight was behind her; the halo effect rimmed her in a brilliant afternoon glare of pink and orange. Her head was thrown back. A trickle of golden blood trailed from her neck, splattering a six-foot white wingspan, every chakra burning gold with his symbol, her movements quicksilver until he had to close his eyes or die from lack of breathing.

Carry for me, baby... carry my child.


When the last bead burst, he couldn't retract fangs, just heaved hard in a pleasure seizure as she bit him and made white light blind him behind his shut lids. Her name got all tangled up with the Almighty's, then became hers again, no separation, no beginning or end, as his sanity temporarily slipped into another dimension. He could now define infinity.

She collapsed against him, winded, sobbing, trembling, and all he could do was hold her.

"You are my husband," she finally whispered.

He just nodded for a moment, trying to catch his breath. He still had fangs in his mouth.

She pulled back to kiss him, he turned his head to give her his cheek and chuckled.

"I can't make 'em go down." He ran his tongue over his teeth and nicked it.

She grabbed his jaw firmly and kissed him hard, nicking her lip. "I love you. I don't care."

"I don't think we were supposed to do this," he said, slowly recovering.

She laughed and laid her head on his chest. "Have we ever done what we're supposed to do?"

"No," he said, a rumbling chuckle of satisfaction vibrating beneath his Adam's apple as he stroked her wings. "But I think we just made somebody new."

"Ya think?" she laughed softly, nipping his chest.

Then they both became very still. They pulled back and looked at each other at the same time, their words nearly colliding.

"You've got fangs, I've got wings," she said, her eyes containing new awareness.

"I know," he said, partially sitting up. "Uh... you think, baby, that could pose a problem? Not trying to be funny... but, uhmmm... you think we shoulda told at least Marlene?"

She offered him a sheepish smile. "Nah... if we woulda told anybody about the wings, they would have made us wait to get married until they could get an answer, yada, yada, yada. Did you wanna wait?"

He shook his head no. "Not in a million years. But if I'm part human, part Neteru, and uh, have a little bad boy in me... and you're the same, with a lotta good girl in you--"

"It'll be all right," she said, sweeping his mouth with a tender kiss. "Besides," she said with a shrug, "don't we always make it up as we go along?"

"Yeah," he murmured, allowing his hands to revel in the feel of her skin as he held her hips. He motioned toward the dresser. "Didn't exactly see that wedding present get delivered, so I guess it can't be all bad. Musta happened when everything went white light." He laughed quietly and closed his eyes. Man, if the older brother had seen all that . . .

"The sword of Ausar?"

She almost jumped up to go get it, but he couldn't allow her body to unsheathe his when it felt so good.

"That must be a good sign, right?" she said, her voice hopeful yet still carrying a note of concern.

"Either that or Ausar figured I'd really need it now."

Carlos just laughed and kept his eyes closed, too content to figure it a11 out at the moment. Bottom line was, she was his wife! Copyright 2016 - 2024