The Forsaken - By L.A. Banks Page 0,179

training that, in time, we hope, comes to his right mind. Nevertheless, he cannot allow two brethren Neterus to battle, nor can he allow one to kill the other over a woman. Open and shut case." She peered at Aset with a firm gaze. "So, what's the problem? Why all the delicate talks? Just tell him what time it is."

"She must be delicate, dear Nzinga, because if she goes the legal petition route that could take months before he'd be forced to relent by law. Although you are correct, we don't have time. My way is more efficient," Nefertiti crooned. "Let Aset take it to the pillow... let her explain that there is word in the valley that Lilith could be behind this--if told in the right tone, no evidence of this potential threat need be debated. Since we only have dragon hearsay about Cain allegedly being positioned to take Dante's old throne... You know how stubborn they can be, and how easy it is to become embroiled in a test of wills that only devolves into rhetoric."

"The indisputable fact is this, Nzinga: We need the Caduceus back under very quiet circumstances. It was taken by guile, thus will be quickly and efficiently returned by the same method. You are well aware if Adam ever found out that Eve assisted in it being delivered to her son, there would be strife on the councils for eons." Aset let her breath out hard. "Therefore, it must be in our possession to not only heal the world in the end of days and to raise felled Guardians in the coming wars, but it is the only tool we may have able to divine which entities that spill over from Nod have gone light or dark. It divines the heart chakras."

Nzinga let out a grunt. "All right, Aset. You take it to the mattress, but get the shield."

Aset nodded with a smile and winked at Nefertiti. Damali's gaze had been riveted on the short-lived dispute. Damn... if Aset had to negotiate with her man . . :

"We all do, darling," Nefertiti cooed. "That is why, since you clearly have one that you're not willing to let go of, a bullheaded one, I might add... it is time to teach you some new strategies that will help make your life easier to reign as a true queen. The fewer disputes, the smoother and more quickly your law gets put into effect. Understand, young one? It is about outcome, not methodology. Be liquid fire."

Damah let out a long whistle, unable to stop herself. The old girls were deep. Had she only known. "But not to throw a monkey wrench into the operation--because I'm down to stop Cain's crazy scheme. But, uh, see, this is gonna cause serious problems, now that you mentioned Carlos. I think it's only right of me to put it all out on the table. If, see, dear Queen, if I uh, actually do Cain, uh, there's gonna be everlasting repercussions. The bite, alone, created static like you can't imagine."

"First of all," Nefertiti murmured with a smile after a weary sigh. "You never tell them everything, even when provoked." She cocked an eyebrow and stared at Damali with big, beautiful eyes. Firelight danced within them as she spoke, her easy, melodic voice pouring over Damali like warm water. "Second of all, never lie--tactfully evade."

The older queen stood and began counting off the lessons with her graceful fingers as the two young girls and the other queens sat rapt. "Third of all, to seduce a man doesn't require sleeping with him. His most erogenous zone, especially for an arrogant male like Cain appears to be, is his ego. I'm going to show you how to stroke it... suck it, torture it until he's in tears," Nefertiti whispered. "Caress it. Nip it. Lick it," she said, releasing her breath in staccato bursts. "Fondle it. Tease it until it spills over into your hands. Then, you ask a small favor to be pleased in return. Am I clear? Always allow Yum to ego-orgasm fast . . . and multiple times, at that."

"Whew," Damali said, raking her freshly shampooed locks. She just shook her head. "You bad, Queen. If I can pull this off, it'll go down in the history books, because I've never been all that... I mean, seriously."

"Yes, you have," Nefertiti said, coming to Damali to cup her face. "You just did it naturally, and weren't aware of what you were doing. Now we Copyright 2016 - 2024