The Forsaken - By L.A. Banks Page 0,177

we can allow Lucifer to stomp Lilith's worthless carcass into a black puddle without creating a problem for our eldest Neteru council members."

Nzinga made the battle-ax disappear. "Although I defer to your rank as our sovereign, let me be clear when I state that I am not concerned about the level of dissention at our table over this particular issue. Eve knows her son is crazy."

Aset laughed. "As do we all. However, what the dragon's pearl suggests is wise."

Damali watched pure awe spread across Nefertiti's and Nzinga's faces. "She has acquired a dragon's pearl?" Nzinga murmured. Then she laughed and shook her head. "My prot�g� has come into her own!"

"Yes!" Nefertiti exclaimed, going to Damali and hugging her hard, despite her ragged condition. Nefertiti held her back with tears in her eyes. "Oh, my, my, my... the lessons I have for you. We must begin, immediately. Clean her up. Get her into the silver pool. Stand back. Nzinga, and watch me work."

Damali was so stunned that she wasn't sure what protocols were in force any longer. Nefertiti had stripped her of her ragged clothes and had practically pushed her into Aset's bath.

"Call Sheba's handmaidens," Nefertiti said excitedly to Nzinga. "Ask her to bring me the seven swaths--"

"You are not going there," Nzinga said, laughing as Aset sat down heavily on a bench.

"Isn't that drastic?" Aset asked, her voice strained.

"Girl, I was married to Akhenaton for years," Nefertiti said, unfazed. "I gave him six daughters," she added with a sly wink, "and he didn't mind. Not to mention, one of my princesses actually pulled Tut--need I say more?" She clucked her tongue and returned her attention to Damali. "Believe me; I know what I'm doing."

Pure curiosity flowed over Damali as Nefertiti's hands worked. Her skin felt like it was actually drinking in the silver waters as Nefertiti's graceful ministrations cleaned the grime off.

"Dear Queen, with all due respect," Damali said, embarrassed, her gaze going first to Nefertiti and then the others. "I should be washing your feet, you shouldn't be--"

"Shush," Nefertiti murmured. "I had daughters. They are grown and in spirit now, and this reminds me so much of the old days. Let me tend to you. Yes, we had servants, but the most private time when I needed to truly educate my girls was when we'd have moments like this. Allow me?"

Damali's heart filled with an emotion she couldn't describe. The older queens had taken her in. Yes, she'd been a Neteru all her life, but more like an accidental bystander with her nose pressed to the mysterious glass of their leadership. This, however, was admission to the real inner circle, something very different, very special and she recognized the profound gift. Damali nodded. It was an invitation to participate as a full member.

"I am honored to learn from the great Nefertiti, as I am also beyond words and humbled by the knowledge of Nzinga's battle tactics." She looked at each queen with reverence and allowed her gaze to settle on Aset. "And I am in awe and wonder that I was so graciously accepted into Aset's private sanctuary. Thank you."

"Each of us has a specialty," Aset said, seeming quietly pleased. "Nzinga is renowned for her war strategies, our Amazon sister for her courage, Eve for her skills in detente, I excel in law, our Aztec sister in magic, Joan is bound by unwavering faith and visions, our Asian sister for her medicines." She smiled and offered Nefertiti an arched brow with a nod of respect. "My dear sister queen who attends you... there is no better one on the council to teach you about men. Let her work."

Damali couldn't keep the wild-eyed expression from flashing across her face as the older queens burst out laughing.

"Yeah, she does, little sister," Nzinga said, plopping down on the bench beside Aset. "I stand down."

"Thank you," Nefertiti replied, lifting her chin. She gazed down at Damali. "Feel your skin."

Damali allowed her palm to glide over her damp forearm. "Wow... what did you do?" she murmured.

"The waters of the Nile infused with essence of Hathor," Nefertiti coolly replied. She leaned into Damali, took a deep inhale. "Oh, yes, he will not be able to resist."

"What!" Damali pulled back, stunned as the queens erupted in laughter again.

"If your goal is to seduce him, then let us do this the old-fashioned way."

Damali blinked, opened her mouth, but nothing came out for a second. "I, I, I'm supposed to kill him, right?"

"Yes," Nefertiti murmured, her voice low Copyright 2016 - 2024