The Forsaken - By L.A. Banks Page 0,148

that ride, had to focus, Marlene was more important."

"Exactly." Tara stopped moving about the room and stared at her, red beginning to flicker in her eyes. "A man would say, 'I haven't made up my mind,' and would keep both aggressively competing females at bay, doing whatever he chose with either of them until he was sure-- because he hadn't fully committed. Men are also quick to tell a woman, 'But you knew that going in, baby,' like that matters, like that makes it all okay, like that stops your heart from being broken--even when you know, how do you keep your emotions from closing the distance the male created? If you sleep with them and your heart is involved, you're wide open." Damali nodded, suddenly feeling too vulnerable to respond.

"If a man were in your shoes, my Neteru girlfriend," Tara added with a sad smile, "he'd eventually pick one or the other when he finally decided, or maybe find an entirely different woman without history altogether--but he damned sure wouldn't allow himself to be backed into a corner by childish games, or allow his focus on his primary mission, his job, whatever, to be fractured by tail. Ask me how I've learned this?" She folded her arms. "What do they always say?"

" 'Later,' " Damali snapped. " 'Baby I've gotta focus on what I'm trying to do.'"

"Exactly. And it has to be later, or you, as a female, can step. And they do not freak out if that's ultimately what you do--why?" Tara asked with a tight smile. "Because" in their minds, the universe is bountiful." "Girl. . ."

"They cry in their beer for a few, and then become philosophical, recover, and move on." Tara shook her head and gazed at the door. "Right now, they are holding you hostage. In the middle you stand with an entire team's safety on your shoulders, weighed down, literally, by the fate of the world, and they are pulling you in opposite directions, trying to run the ultimate seduction."

"You know whaaaat . . ." Damali sucked her teeth and let her hands fall to her hips.

Tara snapped her fingers and pointed hard at the closed bedroom door. "Tell that arrogant king of old to take a cold shower! Tell that foolish young prince in the kitchen to back off, keep his dick in his pants, and get out of your face until he can respect your job. And if either one of them moves on you and arouses you too much by his sensual floor display of seduction, do him."

"Kill him?" Damali rubbed her palms down her face. "A little drastic, Tara, but I feel you."

"No," Tara chuckled. "Do him."

"Ooohhh . . ." Damali said, laughing and feeling a lot better. "But, girl, uh... what do I tell the other one?"

"What did they tell you? Do them both, if you're concerned about equity and fairness."

Both women stared at each other and then laughed softly, but very hard.

"Are you married to either of them?" Tara asked with a sly smile. "Nope," Damali replied, with a mischievous grin. "Are you engaged to either of them?" Tara prodded. "Nope," Damali said, her smile broadening. "Well... maybe, kinda sorta to Carlos, but--"

"Have they been good boys?" Tara arched an eyebrow. "Not."

"So, if Carlos steps to you, look him dead in the eye and tell him the truth. 'I heard all your shit. It broke my heart. This new brother turned me on, and I'm only human.' "

Damali paced away from her. "Whew. Just like that?"

"You carry the sharpest blade on the planet, darliri', and I take it you know how to back someone up off of you with a direct slice. You'd better learn to use your tongue that way, too. Gore them if they pressure you."

"Oh, shit, girl, you're lethal."

Tara shrugged. "Deadly when provoked." She smiled a wicked smile. "Tell that other panting bastard in the woods that he's been no angel.

You're flesh and blood, and aren't an angel, either. Make sure he understands, just like his male mind has probably told several entities in Nod, 'Baby you knew what this was going in.' " "Chile . . ."

"No, you'd better hear me. I know you're saying, 'Oh, but he hasn't been with anyone and is so lonely' Right?" "Yeah, I kinda feel bad, and he's--"

"He's male. There are female entities over there. Get real. As wise and sexy and passionate as he is, he has not been celibate for centuries, trust me. Yonnie ran Copyright 2016 - 2024