The Forsaken - By L.A. Banks Page 0,133

not going to be able to come up with a location until you can get some technology back up in the house." Carlos rubbed the nape of his neck and spoke to the junior Guardians in a quiet, nonjudgmental tone. "We have to figure something out so you guys can do your thing."

He could hear Damali stand, could feel the indignant bristle in her temperament as she strode toward him. He knew she was prepared for him to challenge her command or to argue over strategy. That was the last thing he was about to do.

"What do you propose?" she said, one hand on hip.

Carlos almost smiled. She was away from the table, had left Cain sitting alone. The king was exposed and vulnerable. The queen was out in the open. Cain was watching her every move like a cat watches a crack in the wall waiting for a mouse to reappear. Time to slaughter this bastard.

Rather than come back with a smart-assed quip of "Oh, now you're asking me what I think," Carlos gentled his tone. "You know how ashamed I am of my old life, baby," he said quietly, but loud enough for everyone to hear, especially Cain. He gazed into Damali's eyes and gently stroked her upper arms as though he didn't have the right to touch her any longer. "But I was thinking... for the safety of the team... to give us time to regroup, and time for your energies to restore so we can help Cain get back to the other side."

Carlos looked down at the floor. "D... I'm sorry. You were right. The only thing that was important in that moment was making sure Marlene was okay." He slowly dragged his attention away from the spot on the floor he'd been staring at and glanced at Shabazz and Marlene. "I've gotta give this brother his props." He let Damali go and advanced toward Cain.

Cain immediately stood, his eyes wary and angry as though ready to take a battle stance. Tension filled the room, but Damali hadn't moved from her spot on the other side of the sofa near Marlene and Shabazz.

"Peace, man," Carlos said, extending his hand.

Cain looked at it, slightly tilted his head in silent recognition of the best move, and gave Carlos a half-smile that said, "later." He gripped Carlos's forearm in an Old World warrior-to-warrior handshake, quietly crushing Carlos's arm. Carlos smiled. The SOB was getting pissed off. Cool.

"That was some serious energy realignment you did back there," Carlos said in false awe. But it really wasn't too hard to manufacture the respectful tone, adversary or not, Cain had shown him some new shit. "You know, male Neteru to male Neteru... maybe before you have to go back, you could school me on some things that would be valuable for the team? We've got healers, but nothing like what you did, man. And, if we're living on the run, and get in a jam... it could come in handy."

"Gladly," Cain said, his tone just shy of chilly. "To be of service to my Neteru's team is an honor."

Carlos refused to take the bait. He could feel the team almost bristle. Jose and Rider had nearly stood up to get ready for a free- for-all inside the house. So, instead, Carlos nodded with a wide smile and released

Cain's arm. "Thanks, man. I appreciate it." He looked back at Damali, who'd gone slack-jawed. "Baby, you, however, blew my mind."

He left Cain standing at the table and asserted his dominance in the house position as Damali's current lover. Uh-huh. Terms of endearment. Watch a brother from the barrios work.

Carlos stood before Damali and sought her embarrassed gaze, loving that she'd blushed when he told her she'd blown his mind. That wasn't a lie. She had.

"D, every day you change, learn something new... that's what I love about you. This last thing you did . . ." Carlos shook his head and looked at the floor as though pulling back from a moment that was too private to share with the team. That was some of the sexiest shit I have ever seen, he murmured to her in his mind--but left the channel open for Cain to also hear it. / had to take a walk after it was over. Was in... a condition, so when the new brother said anything to you, I wasn't rational. Baby, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that.

When her expression became warm, he reached out to touch her Copyright 2016 - 2024