The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,87

Ida,” he told her, leading the horse back toward the stables.

Once they reached the appropriate stall, Simon stepped around, reached up, and grabbed her by the waist. A gasp was all she had time for before he pulled her down and into his arms. Awareness swept through her with devastating force as the scent she’d grown so accustomed to stirred her senses while his added warmth and strength seeped into her bones.

It was over too soon and yet not soon enough as he cleared his throat and took a step back. A moment of silence passed between them before he said, “All of this could be yours.”

Unease pricked her skin. “What do you mean?”

“I wasn’t prepared to discuss the terms of our relationship with you yesterday, and as a result, I fear I mucked everything up.”

Closing her eyes for a moment, she prayed his next words would not make things worse. “Simon, we’ve just had a lovely outing together. Our friendship, while still a bit wobbly, feels as if it’s on its way back to calmer waters. Can we not simply agree to enjoy that?”

“I can’t let you go,” he told her seriously. “I won’t.”

“You have to,” she said, her annoyance flaring back to life on account of his selfish attempt to get all he wanted, no matter what.

“When a gentleman acquires a mistress,” he went on undaunted, “he ensures her comfort and her security. A house is generally made available to her along with a yearly allowance.”

“Yes, I am aware,” she said. “And you did mention a cottage, which I’m sure would be lovely if I did not—”

“Forget the damn cottage, Ida. That was an idea I mentioned in desperation when you said you wished to leave Town. But considering how much you mean to me, I’d like to give you more.” He turned slightly and looked toward the manor house. “As you know, my horses are my most prized possessions. I’ve turned down everyone who has offered to buy them in the past, including the king.”

Ida stared at him. Surely he wouldn’t—

“The property itself is not entailed,” he added while shifting his gaze back to hers, “so I am free to do with it as I wish, and what I wish is for you to have it. What I wish is for all of this to belong to you, to do with as you please. Sell it if you want, or live here and run it. I’ll cover all the expenses.”

Appalled by the extravagance of his offer, Ida could only gape at him as if he’d gone mad. She had no words. None whatsoever. Just a sickening feeling inside that came with the knowledge that he was attempting to buy her.

“Additionally, you will receive ten thousand pounds per annum. All I ask in return is for you and me to continue sharing each other’s company during the day and the same bed at night.”

Numbed by his words, she blinked a few times before she finally managed to say, “You still don’t understand, do you?” It was as if he’d not heard a single word she’d said, or he’d chosen to simply ignore them. Renewed anger welled inside her. “Your duty toward the title and your need for approval are both stronger than any feelings you have for me. And that’s not something I’m willing to accept. I deserve better, Simon. I want more – a husband who’s proud to call me his wife and children who’ll not have to suffer the cruelty of others because they were born out of wedlock. No object or property will ever be able to compensate for the sacrifice you want me to make.”

“Damn it, Ida. This is your chance to secure your future.”

“I’m sorry, Simon, truly, but I want happiness, and this isn’t it.”

Simon sucked in a breath and went utterly still. She was walking away from him, for the last time, he feared, and the realization made him feel like he was being strangled. It was getting harder to breathe.

Forcing himself into motion, he hurried to catch up with her so he could hand her into the conveyance. Her fingers closed around his with painful familiarity, but she did not meet his gaze. Simon’s heart shuddered in stark acceptance of the reality he now faced. Doing his best to keep a level tone, he ordered the driver to take them back to Bedford Street. After climbing in as well, he deliberately claimed the opposite bench in order to give Ida space.

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