The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,69

he remembered, though how that might be he had no idea.

His fingertips found a hairpin and then another. One by one, he pulled them all free and allowed them to fall until silken tresses cascaded around her shoulders. Simon deepened the kiss for a moment – a reminder that he was a starved man and she the most splendid banquet he’d ever discovered. And then he took a step back and paused.

The loud beat of his heart filled his ears, echoing through him as he stared at the most gorgeous woman in the world. Her robe was completely askew and her uncombed hair an unruly mass of spun gold. Simon’s chest tightened. His fingers twitched with the need to touch her, to slide his hands over each inch of glorious perfection, and to take her most precious gift for himself and call her his own.

“Would it be too dastardly of me to ask you to take off that robe?” If he did it himself, he feared things would progress too quickly. Her hesitance was so brief he wouldn’t have caught it if he hadn’t been watching her closely. “Relax, Ida. Don’t be shy or afraid when you’re with me. And take as long as you like. I’m not going anywhere.”

A nervous bit of laughter erupted from between her lips. “I’m sorry. It’s so silly considering what I’ve been used to over the past few years. It’s just that I’ve never undressed in front of a man, except the other night of course, but it was dark then and your eyes were closed. Now, even with the fading light you can still see. And I can’t help but worry a little abou—”

“You mustn’t.” It was all he could do to remain where he was and not pull her back into his arms. “My God, Ida. You drive me mad when you’re clothed, so I can assure you I’ll think I just died and went to heaven the moment I see what you look like naked.”

Her cheeks turned from pink to blazing red. “Perhaps we can do it together.”

“I’m not sure that’s wise. If I touch you again I’ll—”

“No.” She shook her head. “What I mean to say is that it would be easier for me to undress if you undressed as well. At the same time.”

A smirk pulled at the left side of his mouth. “All right.”

If this was what she needed in order to feel more comfortable, then he was more than happy to oblige. Pulling his shirt from his trousers, he drew it up over his head in one swift movement and tossed it aside. Ida stared at him in dismay. His smirk turned into a wide grin.

“I’ve always prided myself on efficiency.” He jutted his chin toward her. “Your turn.”

Perhaps her idea hadn’t been so good, after all. With her brain unable to focus on anything other than Simon’s incredible body and with her legs turned to jelly, it was impossible for her to function properly. All she could do was stare at the hard planes of his chest, the ridges that rippled across his belly, and the deep indentations that flowed from his hips and disappeared under his waistband. His arms were a series of hills and valleys that rose and fell in smooth curves. Ida swallowed. He was a masterpiece, sculpted through strenuous physical activity and not at all what one might expect a man of leisure to look like.

Drawn to him like a desert wanderer to a mirage, she raised one hand and took a step forward.

“Ah, ah.” He retreated one step. “The robe, Ida.”

Slightly dazed, she reached for the belt and untied it, then pushed the garment from her shoulders and let it fall. It was her turn to smirk in response to the appreciative glow in his eyes. She knew this particular chemise concealed very little, which was why she’d been shy about shedding her robe while he remained fully clothed. But now, seeing the way he looked at her as if she were some delectable treat he’d been dreaming about for years, she felt emboldened.

“Trousers next,” she whispered in a voice more sultry than she’d expected.

He tilted his head. “I have to remove my shoes first.”

Ida stepped out of her own slippers and arched both brows. “Go ahead.”

His shoes landed with dull thuds against the floor as he kicked them off. And then his hands went to his waistband. “How about if you take your chemise off at the same time. On Copyright 2016 - 2024