The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,63

I remove my trousers as long as I keep on my smalls?”

“No. Go ahead.” She averted her gaze and busied herself with climbing under the covers and making herself as comfortable as one could be with a constant headache. Closing her eyes, she rolled onto her side and listened to the various sounds Simon made as he finished getting ready for bed.

She found comfort in his presence – a comfort that warmed her insides and steadied her heart – the sort of comfort that made her realize she was well on her way to forgiving him for how he’d acted at the ball. Since then, he’d devoted himself to her completely, had nursed her with endless concern and compassion, had kissed her as if she meant more to him than life itself.

There was a gentle tug of the blanket, a slight shift to the mattress as he climbed in beside her. The light dimmed until only darkness remained. A pause followed. The only sounds filling the room were their breaths and the soft ticking from the clock on the dresser. And then his arm came around her. He brought his chest flush with her back. His lips touched her shoulder in a brief caress.

It wasn’t the least bit seductive, but tender and soothing.

“Sleep well,” he whispered.

Her hand found his and a smile touched her lips. “You too.”

Peace and security filled her body with languor, and while she wasn’t ready to ponder any emotional attachment she might have developed for Simon, she couldn’t deny that he made her feel safe and cherished.

He hadn’t wanted to leave Ida for one second. But Simon acknowledged when he returned home the next morning, it was past time for him to acquire a new set of clothes. It was Monday, after all, yet he still wore the evening attire he’d had on at the ball.

Disgraceful really. His mother would have been appalled. Simon didn’t care. Remaining with Ida, watching over her and ensuring her well-being, had been of far greater importance than worrying over his clothes.

When he’d woken a couple of hours earlier, she’d still been asleep. They’d apparently moved during the night because her head had been on his chest, her arm wrapped around his waist. For the longest time he’d just watched her, cataloguing the slope of her nose, the line of her jaw, the length and density of her eyelashes. He hadn’t been bored for one second but rather content in a way he’d not been in years.

After breakfasting they’d met with Redding, who assured them both she was doing fine. Once the duke was gone, Simon found the pistol he’d given her when they’d first met and told her to keep it within her reach until he returned. Not because he believed she would actually need it. So far, the attacks on her had happened outside under the cover of darkness. As long as she remained indoors, he believed she would be safe. Especially during the day. But knowing she had the means to protect herself gave him peace of mind.

Deerford greeted Simon in the foyer, his professionalism showing in his lack of comment with regard to Simon’s absence for almost three days. “I’d like a bath please,” Simon said while he pulled off his gloves. He’d helped Miranda prepare one for Ida and was now very eager for one of his own.

“Of course, my lord. I’ll see to it right away. Although there’s probably something else you ought to know first.”


“Your uncle has come to call several times during your absence—once on Saturday and twice on Sunday.”

Simon’s shoulder’s tensed. He believed he knew the reason and yet he still asked, “Did he tell you why he wished to see me?”

Deerford cleared his throat and averted his gaze, which was most unusual. In all the years Simon had known the butler, he’d never once seen him look uncomfortable. “He, um…”

“Out with it, Deerford.”

The butler’s gaze snapped back to his. He raised his chin. “Apparently he wished to make sure you’ve cut ties with that whore.”

Rage whipped through Simon without the slightest warning. Clenching his jaw, he forced himself not to lash out at his servant. Deerford was only doing his job. Elliot was the one who deserved Simon’s wrath. How dare he speak of Ida in such a despicable manner? With Simon’s servants, no less. It was beyond the pale.

“Thank you, Deerford,” Simon managed to say between clenched teeth.

Deerford nodded. “I’ll see to your bath right away, my lord.”

“Please do.” Simon Copyright 2016 - 2024