The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,54

She even gave him a curious look. “Who’s Matthew?”

“I’m not sure I know,” Simon said. In for a penny, in for a pound, as it were. If they’d been capsized, this would have been the point at which they started to drown.

“I knew I’d seen you before and so I have.” Elliot’s features hardened. “You shouldn’t be here.”

Simon darted a hasty look in Ida’s direction before addressing his uncle. “Miss Smith is here this evening because I invited her to join me.”

“Then you cannot know who she is,” Elliot hissed in low angry tones. “Her father was a traitor to this country. My God, Simon. You cannot associate with her.”

“I’m trying to help her,” Simon hissed back, deciding there was no point in trying to deceive Elliot further. He’d found them out, so they might as well be honest.

“At the risk of your reputation? Damn you, boy. The Duchess of Huntley could have been the Countess of Fielding if you hadn’t gone and mucked that up. Now here you are, associating with underserving riffraff.” He gave Ida one swift look full of loathing. “Get rid of the chit, Simon. Before others realize who her father was. As it is, it may already be too late.”

Simon wanted to chase down his retreating form and give him hell for speaking of Ida like that, but to do so would only draw additional attention. Already, some of the other guests were staring at him in wonder. He gave them his back only to find himself faced with intense fury.

“Ida. Let me explain.”

“You’ve had over two weeks to do so.” The stubborn tilt of her chin was pointing toward the direction in which Elliot had gone. “Who is he to you, exactly?”

“He’s my uncle. On my father’s side.”

Ida closed her eyes briefly. When she opened them again, he was shocked to see how clear they were. “I don’t trust easily, but I decided to take a chance on you.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d want anything to do with me if you knew. And I wanted to help.”

“How exactly did you expect to do so when you cannot be objective? He’s your uncle, Simon. Whether you like it or not, you’ll want someone else to be guilty, not him. And that undermines every effort we’ve made so far to get at the truth.”

“We’re not close and while I will admit that I hope it won’t turn out to be him, I’ve treated him with as much suspicion as the others.”

“Have you really?”

“Of course.” He was certain he had. At least, he knew he’d tried to.

She scoffed. “I need some fresh air.”

“I’ll escort you out onto the terrace.”

“No.” She took a step back, raised her hand to ward him off. “I want to be alone. Without you. So I can think.”

“That’s not a good idea.”

“Simon, even if we forget for a moment that you didn’t tell me you’re related to one of the suspects, you just allowed your uncle, a man who may for all we know have sent my father to the gallows, to insult me in a way you should have objected to if you cared about me.”

“I’m sorry. I know I—”


Simon cursed beneath his breath. What now?

Glancing sideways, he stiffened slightly upon seeing Kirksdale approach with another man Simon failed to recognize. Sensing Ida’s intention to flee, he reached out and grabbed her arm, pinning her to his side. He didn’t care how angry, hurt, or upset she was right now, he’d be damned if he’d let her out of his sight.

“I want to introduce you to an acquaintance of mine,” Kirksdale said when he reached them. “Mr. St. John is the owner of The Shadwell Gun Works. In light of our recent conversation, I thought he might be able to help you decide if you’d like to invest.”

“Much appreciated.” Simon said. “Perhaps we can meet for an in-depth discussion during the week, Mr. St. John. I’m sure you’d rather enjoy your evening instead of discussing business.”

“Not if the business discussion results in additional profits,” Mr. St. John said. “I work round the clock, my lord, but I’m also an exception. Shall we say Tuesday, five o’clock at The Red Rose?”

“I shall be there,” Simon assured him.

Mr. St. John shifted his gaze to Ida before returning it to Simon. “Will you not introduce us to your companion?”

Simon bristled. He didn’t like the gleam of interest in Mr. St. John’s eyes. Like Hawthorne, the man was clearly hoping to further his acquaintance with Copyright 2016 - 2024