The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,41

make it go away. No amount of time had brought him closer to forgiveness. If anything, it had made him more aware of his own blame in the nasty debacle.

Sitting in the small parlor his house on Bedford Street offered, Simon let his gaze rest on the cup of hot tea Ida had poured while trying to gather his thoughts. Where to begin?

Stalling, he selected one of the shortbread biscuits she’d made and savored the buttery flavor. Ida truly was an excellent baker and cook. He’d already sampled several of her culinary efforts, since exploring new recipes was how she enjoyed passing her time when he wasn’t there and she wanted a break from her knitting.

“My brother was a devilish charmer who hid his seductive intentions behind pleasant smiles and politeness.” The words suddenly popped out. Just like that. He raised his gaze, trying to gauge Ida’s reaction. She sat on the sofa across from him, patiently waiting for him to continue, her eyes filled only with interest. “No one ever suspected him of ill intent. After all, he was always a good sport, fun to be around, excellent company. But the truth is, he was a bloody scoundrel. And I should have known better – I should have seen it coming when I realized Melanie Heathmore had caught his eye.”

Simon shook his head as the memories poured back. “There was to be a house party at the end of the Season, hosted by Coventry’s good friend, the Marquess of Willmington. Jack begged me to secure invitations for both of us, claiming it would serve me well if I were to further my acquaintance with these men. They were, he insisted, excellent company for a new earl to keep. As it turned out, his motive for wanting to attend was entirely selfish. While the rest of the men went riding, he claimed a headache and sought out Lady Melanie. Under the guise of gentlemanly consideration for her wellbeing, he maneuvered himself closer and closer until finally…”

Ida gasped. “He seduced her.”

“Yes.” Simon winced. “To put things in perspective, this wasn’t some widow he hoped to lure to his bed but a proper young lady, the Duke of Coventry’s sister, who ought to have been incorruptible.”

“And yet he still managed to tempt her.”

“He did. From what I later gathered, he promised marriage to seal the deal. But come morning, he was gone. It wasn’t until Melanie realized what the consequence had been that she confided in her brother. She had to, I suppose. She needed his help.” Simon thought back on Conventry’s thunderous expression when he’d come to inform Simon of what had happened. “He insisted Jack marry her, to which Jack responded that he’d no intention of becoming anyone’s husband. Least of all a whore’s. Naturally, Coventry demanded a duel – a chance to defend his sister’s honor. I did my best to dissuade him from such a course of action since that would have made the whole thing public, but Coventry was beyond reason. I’ve never seen a man so incensed.”

“Can you blame him?”

“Of course not.” He sighed, raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. “I asked Coventry to give me a chance to reason with my brother, to explain to him the gravity of his actions and demand he do his duty. While reluctant, Coventry agreed and departed once I assured him I would manage the wedding preparations.

“But I should have known better. I should have known my brother better. He would not let anyone order him about. Even as a child he was impossible, but as the youngest, he was allowed such leniency whereas I was forever reminded that as his older brother, it was my duty to keep him in line.” He’d failed, and the consequences had been dire.

“What happened?”

Simon took a deep breath and expelled it. “After Coventry left, I argued with Jack but he refused to listen. That night, he stole the money stashed in the strongbox I kept in my study, and fled.”

“He never came back?”

“No.” Bitterness slithered through him. “The last time I heard from him, roughly seven years ago, he was living in New York. I’ve no idea what’s become of him since. He could be dead for all I know.”

Ida was silent so long, he was tempted to stand and pace the room. Stirring up the past like this had been a mistake. All it did was remind him of how flawed he was, while making him want to hit Copyright 2016 - 2024