The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,38

gave herself up to the dressmaker’s endless advice on the fabrics and styles most suited to her shape and coloring. Two hours later, her measurements had been taken and her clothing order completed.

It included a ball gown cut from slippery topaz blue silk.

After years of feeling as though life consisted of endless demands made by others, Simon realized he finally had a chance to get what he wanted for a change. The knowledge made the world brighter, his body lighter. Hell, even something as simple as walking was easier now that he knew Miss Strong wanted him too.

Oh, she might not be ready to admit it yet, but he’d seen her blush in response to his comment, watched her hand tremble, and heard her breath catch. She’d been physically aware of him as a man. The desperation in her eyes and the way she’d arched, ever so slightly in his direction, left no doubt in his mind.

And if it had, the jealousy she’d exuded because of Gabriella would have dismissed it entirely. Simon tried not to grin as he led her back to the house. They’d taken luncheon at a small restaurant he’d selected because it was located on a less travelled street and offered the privacy he wanted. Miss Strong had been very quiet the entire time, her thoughts clearly elsewhere.

Perhaps on the idea of having him press his advances?

The possibility coupled with the sway of her hips as she preceded him through the front door moments later almost made him groan. Perhaps if he’d had a woman in recent days, her effect on him wouldn’t be quite so fierce. But it hadn’t been days or weeks. It had been almost three months since he’d broken things off with his mistress, so spending time with Miss Strong day in and day out was giving him all sorts of carnal ideas.

“Thank you for taking me out today and for purchasing all those gowns.” Miss Strong was looking askance. She was clearly bothered by him buying such personal effects for her.

“You don’t have to keep thanking me.”

“I can’t help it, my lord.” She looked at him then, with eyes so wide and honest it almost made him stagger. “Your generosity demands I do so. I just wish there was more I could do to repay you.”

“You could start by calling me Simon.” His stomach clenched as he made the request, laying bare his intentions toward her as honestly as he was able.

There was only the briefest of hesitations, and then her mouth widened into a broad smile. “I think I can manage that. Simon.”

The thrill of his name on her lips made his chest expand with more than pleasure alone. It was as if she’d just answered a lifelong yearning he’d not even known he’d had until this very moment – a desire for a soul deep connection with another person. The acknowledgement, not just of his need to be seen as more than a title, but of forging a bond built on honesty and trust, stole his breath.

Ida tilted her head. “Are you all right? You look slightly ill.”

He stared at her. “Yes. Sorry. I’m fine. Just…” The temptation to brush the truth aside with a flip response existed, but Ida deserved better than that. She deserved the truth. “I can’t recall the last time someone actually spoke my name.”

A funny sort of snort escaped her. “That can’t be right.”

“I was eight years old when my grandfather died and I inherited my father’s honorary title. For twenty-two years that’s what I’ve been, a man not even permitted to have the luxury of his own name, to have an identity exclusively his own instead of one passed on from previous generations.”

“I’m sorry.”

The comment made him flinch. “I don’t want you to be sorry. The last thing I want from you is pity. My only intention was to give you a sense of how much your willingness to do as I asked actually means to me.”

“I’m glad.” Eyes locked with his for a moment, she seemed to convey so much more than what she could put words to. And then, scrunching her mouth in thought, she glanced toward the hallway leading to the kitchen. “We’ve had quite the day. Perhaps a cup of tea would be in order?”

He almost sagged with relief. Somehow, inexplicably, she’d managed to remove his discomfort and make him feel right at home in her company. “Yes, thank you. I’d like that.”

Smiling, she turned and led the way Copyright 2016 - 2024