The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,36

as good as the man her daughter had chosen to marry? Granted, Ida hadn’t met the Duke of Huntley, but he couldn’t possibly be more polished or in possession of a better character than Fielding. It was simply outrageous to—

“Miss Smith?” Fielding’s voice was low, gently nudging. “Since we’ve been spotted, I really must introduce you to Lady Huntley and her sister, Lady Victoria Thompson.”

Ida blinked. “Oh. Right.”

“If I can get through this,” he whispered so close to her ear his breath grazed her skin, “then so can you.”

She forced a smile, hoped the flush she could feel in her cheeks would not be too obvious, and allowed him to escort her over to where the duchess and her sister were standing.

“Your Grace,” he said with impressive politeness. After all, this was the woman who’d once thrown him over for another man, yet he showed no hint of disdain toward her. Instead, he proceeded with the introductions as if there was no awkward history between them and, Ida noted, as if she herself had the right to be seen in such elevated company.

In reality, she was a scandalous woman with whom none of these women would dream of associating if they knew who she really was. Good grief. Being the daughter of a traitor would be enough for them to run screaming in the opposite direction, never mind the detail pertaining to where she’d made her home for the past four years.

So Ida smiled politely and greeted them each in turn.

“I trust you received the invitation to our annual ball?” Lady Huntley asked Fielding. The duchess had a pleasant voice – a perfect match to her pretty features and flawless elegance.

Fielding’s eyes brightened with pleasure. Ida’s stomach clenched in response.

“It arrived yesterday.” Ida fought the urge to roll her eyes. Was it really necessary for him to look quite so enthralled? Granted, the woman was dazzling, but still. She’d picked another man. For him to show even a hint of appreciation toward her was almost embarrassing. “My secretary should have responded by now in the affirmative and with a query regarding my possibly bringing Miss Smith along. Would you permit it?”

There was a long enough pause to convey surprise.

Lady Warwick’s critical gaze felt like needles against Ida’s skin. “I really don’t think that would be appro—”

“Of course,” Lady Huntley said before her mother could finish.

“But we know next to nothing about her,” Lady Warwick argued as if Ida weren’t right there. “She ought to be escorted about Town by her relations, not by a young unmarried man. It’s not proper. No matter what you say to the contrary.”

“If Miss Smith’s family has entrusted Fielding with her care, then there must be a good reason, Mama.” The duchess turned to Fielding. “Would you care to share this reason with us, my lord?”

Fielding stiffened, the change in him so subtle Ida wondered if anyone else registered it. “Miss Smith’s parents are both dead.” His voice conveyed a fitting amount of solemnity. “As her recently appointed guardian, it falls upon me to ensure her future within Society.”

Ida pressed her lips together and forced a somber expression. Fielding was lying through his teeth to these women. She could only wonder how long the deception would last.

“I am so sorry,” the duchess murmured. “My husband and I will be delighted to welcome you as our guest, Miss Smith.”

“But what about—”

“Mama, you know not to argue with me once I’ve made up my mind,” the duchess said. She kept her attention on Ida. “We look forward to seeing you again soon.”

Amazed and a little dazed by the woman’s assertive dismissal of her mother’s concerns, Ida realized she might start liking the woman if she got to know her better. “Thank you, Your Grace.”

The duchess smiled at her warmly, held her gaze for a spell, and then glanced at Fielding. A secretive sparkle lit up her eyes. “We must be off now so we’re not late for luncheon with my sisters-in-law and their husbands. It was good seeing you again.”

“Likewise, Your Grace,” Fielding said while staring at the Duchess of Huntley as if she were his sun.

The tension from earlier returned, squeezing at Ida’s heart and leaving her piqued beyond comprehension. By some miracle, she managed to hide it while bidding her new acquaintances goodbye, but once they were gone, she clenched her jaw and gave her attention to the beautiful fabrics the shop had to offer. Her heart thudded hard against her breast, and her fingers Copyright 2016 - 2024