The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,33

He’d welcome a row right now – the chance to move and yell and release his own frustration so he wouldn’t have to remain in this tortured state of want for one second longer.

Instead, a pensive smile curved her lips. “And if I refuse?”

The possibility of her doing so had always existed, but it wasn’t an outcome he was prepared to allow. Not when he had her here, in this house, away from prying eyes, at his disposal. The situation was by far the most scandalous one he’d ever allowed, the temptation to keep her so great he knew there was no way back. She was his, for as long as she would permit, and he would make damn sure it would be for more than a paltry two days.

Muscles tight across his shoulders, he leaned forward and pierced her with his hardest gaze. “I’ll have you admitted to Bedlam until this case has been solved.” He smirked with devious pleasure. “There’s no chance of you escaping from there.”

Her blue eyes darkened a fraction. “You are the most awful man I have ever encountered.”

“Are we in agreement?”

She set her jaw at a stubborn angle. “Yes.”

Simon finally allowed himself to relax. “As a token of my appreciation, I’ll do what I can to prevent you from getting bored and to keep you involved. Of course, you cannot accompany me everywhere, but perhaps there are other ways in which you can help.”

“Such as?”

“Your idea with the captain was good. I’d like you to see if you can think of additional ways in which we might learn what happened.”

“You want me to come up with possible leads?”

“It would be helpful.”

She nodded. “All right.” There was a pause and then, “What did you learn last night, at your club?”

Simon pushed out a tired breath. “Nothing useful, I’m afraid.” He explained his idea to figure out if one of the suspects had stood to gain financially from getting England involved in another war. “Unfortunately, all three men”— his uncle included, he’d later learned—“have invested in various munitions companies, giving them all equal grounds for involvement.”

Miss Strong pursed her lips and studied him for a second before giving her attention back to her food. He ate as well, savoring the reprieve the meal offered to their conversation. After exchanging little more than heated words with her the entire morning, it was nice to just sit and enjoy some silence for a change.

“My father believed one man betrayed him,” she said once she’d finished her meal.

There was a pensiveness about her as she gathered their plates and carried them to the washbasin. She turned, hands on hips, and leaned against the counter. Her eyes met his and Simon’s chest tightened without the least bit of warning. Christ, she was gorgeous, with her cheeks slightly flushed, a few strands of stray hair falling softly against her shoulder, and a keen look of determination burning in her eyes.

He clenched his fists and forced himself to remain where he was, to not go and haul her against him, to not learn how good she would feel in his arms, to not kiss her, and to not explore her lush curves with his hands. But by God, how he wanted to do all those things and a hell of a lot more. He wanted to lift her up onto the counter and press himself into her warmth. He wanted to kiss a hot path down the side of her neck and make her cry out with pleasure.

The discomfort from earlier returned, pulsing through him with increased vigor. He crossed his legs, planted his hands in his lap, and prayed for the moment to pass. Somehow, he had to overcome the effect she had on him or he’d never be able to go out in public again.

“But maybe,” she suddenly continued, jolting him out of his reverie, “all three men were involved.”

“It’s possible, I suppose.” Simon had been sure of his uncle’s innocence until he’d spoken with him. He was still reluctant to think him a traitor. But after learning that Elliot had, unbeknownst to Simon, invested in more munitions companies than the other two men, his motive was greater, though Simon chose to keep that information to himself for now. Until he learned more.

“It would explain why none of them remained in Town at the time of the sentencing.” She worried her lower lip. “The captain I sought is away at the moment delivering goods to Spain, so we won’t learn Copyright 2016 - 2024