The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,23

interest in horses,” he added. “The ones I own have been carefully selected and are very much sought after. Several men, including the king himself, have made numerous attempts to purchase a few of them, but alas, I’ve had to turn them away.”

“Because they didn’t offer enough?”

“No. My horses are special to me, Miss Strong. Nothing in the world would ever make me part with them.”

She tilted her head. “You might think differently if the choice was between keeping them and putting food in your belly.”


“So then, if you did fall on hard times all would not be lost,” she said with amusement. “You could seek a position as a royal horse breeder, which I’m sure is not the worst position in the world.”

He grinned. “You’re different from anyone else I’ve met, Miss Strong. I must say I find your company more refreshing than I’d have imagined.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment, my lord.” Surrendering to the pull of her lips, she gave him a wide smile. “You’re also not as bad as I feared. Quite the opposite, in fact. Shall we see how your tea buns have turned out?”

Chapter Five

The excitement in her voice was just as dizzying as her bright smile and the abrupt shift in conversation. Simon blinked, then immediately stood. He was actually rather eager to see the result of what he’d made with her help. Grabbing a tea towel he opened the oven. A warm, wholesome smell wafted toward him as he pulled the baking tray out and placed it on the table.

“Those look delicious,” Miss Strong said as she sidled up next to him. “Well done, my lord.”

Simon stared down at the most beautiful buns he’d ever seen. They were so plump and golden, he was tempted to snatch one up right away and sink his teeth into it. Only they were still hot and he’d probably burn himself if he did so. Miss Strong had been right. He did feel a wonderful sense of accomplishment right now, for he’d done something he’d not imagined himself capable of, and with excellent results, it would seem.

He met Miss Strong’s gaze and was instantly struck by a strong sense of camaraderie. It was nice, being here with her like this, sharing an activity he never would have engaged in otherwise, and it occurred to him that no one had ever complimented him before. Growing up, he’d always been told he could do better, never that he’d done well. Now, as an adult, people praised his possessions, not him.

“Tea’s ready,” she said and broke eye contact by crossing to one of the cabinets and retrieving a cup for him. “I’ll just fetch the one I used earlier this morning. No sense in getting another one dirty.”

By the time she returned, Simon had found a couple of plates, placed the buns in a bread basket, and made a space for each of them at the table. He offered the basket to Miss Strong as soon as she’d taken a seat.

“Thank you. Would you like some jam with yours?” She gestured toward the jar she’d just pulled toward the center of the table. “It’s raspberry.”

“I’d love some. After you.” He watched as she broke the bun apart and placed a generous dollop of jam on one side. Following suit, he finally allowed himself a bite.

Heaven exploded inside his mouth.

“Oh my God,” he mumbled while letting the rich doughy fluffiness mix with the sweet flavor of the jam. “This is so good.”

Miss Strong grinned. “I know.”

They ate for a while more in silence, each savoring their treat between sips of tea, before he asked, “Would you ever consider trying to ride again?”

“I don’t know.”

“You should.”

“I doubt the opportunity will ever arise.” She stood, seeming to dismiss the topic, and went to the stove. Dipping a small spoon into the pot, she sampled the stew. “Not bad. Would you like to try it?”

“All right.” Simon went to join her. Accepting the spoon she offered, he turned toward the pot. His arm bumped hers in the process, resting there against her for a moment before she stepped away. It was enough though – enough for awareness to spike through his body like lightning.

Tightening his grip on the spoon for fear he might drop it, he forced his brain to focus so he could taste the pot’s fragrant contents as well. A slightly spicy blend of tomatoes, herbs, and vegetables mixed with chopped lamb teased his tongue. “This is excellent, Miss Strong. Really, Copyright 2016 - 2024