The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,121

re-written, but she was used to that by now. Apparently, no matter how perfect she thought her story to be when she handed it over to Avery, there were plenty of mistakes to be found.

“With all of this taken into consideration, how long do you suppose it would take for you to review, revise, and return the corrected work?” Leaning forward, Avery met Charlotte’s gaze. “I ask because I think it would be wonderful if we could get the book into shops before Christmas.”

“Would a month be too long?”

“No. I think a month would be fine, but not a day more or it will have to wait to be printed until next year, in which case we miss out on the extra sales we ought to acquire during the holiday season. And since we will be aiming to move quickly on this, I should like to prepare the front and back matter for the book, which brings me to the title. Have you decided on one?”

Charlotte nodded. “What do you think of The Marquess’s Unresolved Mysteries?”

“Oh! It’s perfect, Charlotte. Completely in keeping with the previous titles and with a nod to the three old cases Lady Gertrude helps the marquess crack.”

“In that case, I shall leave you to sort out the front and back matter while I take care of the edits.” Retrieving her manuscript, Charlotte placed Avery’s notes on top and slid the stack of papers inside the folio she’d brought along with her, upon which she stood.

“On another subject,” Avery said. Having also risen, she rounded her desk and faced Charlotte. “I think my brother, Albert, is quite besotted with you. He would most likely die if he learned I’d said anything, but is there a chance you might be willing to accept his attentions?”

“I’m afraid not,” Charlotte said. She gave her friend a pleasant smile. “My pursuits have changed. I no longer wish to marry but rather to avoid it.”

“He would support your writing, Charlotte.”

“He would also make demands on my time and besides, you know my position. I would want passion and with Albert there’s never been one single spark. I’m sorry, Avery, but it’s not going to happen.”

“No matter,” Avery said, “but I could not resist asking.”

Appreciating her friend’s honesty, Charlotte left her office and stepped out into the publisher’s antechamber where Albert sat behind a wide reception desk. He immediately stood, his cheeks flushing a bright shade of pink the moment he saw her.

Charlotte smiled politely and with the hope of not adding any encouragement. “Mr. Carlisle.”

“Miss Russell,” he replied, and rushed toward her. “I trust your meeting with Avery went well.”

“Oh yes. Thank you.”

“Please. Allow me to walk you to your carriage.”

Unwilling to let him think she might be remotely interested, Charlotte shook her head. “There’s really no need.”

“Oh, but I insist.” He reached for her folio.

Charlotte sidestepped him. “You’re ever so kind but I do think you ought to stay here in case other clients show up.”

“Right. Um. Will you be back again soon?”

“In a month or so. I shall see you then.” She turned away and moved toward the door leading out to the foyer.

“Indeed you shall,” Albert called after her. “Without fail.”

Charlotte winced in response to his eager tone as she pushed through the doors and made her escape. Turning right, she continued out into the street and scanned it for the hackney she’d hired in order to come here. She’d asked the coachman to wait, insisting she wouldn’t be more than fifteen minutes at most. More like half an hour or more. Apparently the coachman had thought this too long and had driven off.

Muttering a curse, Charlotte commenced walking. Whitechapel Road wasn’t far. She’d find another hackney there, no problem. With one hand on the pistol she carried in her skirt pocket whenever she went out, she set off. But when she turned left several minutes later, someone caught her from behind, his firm hand snaking around her person to trap her in place. The sharp metal edge of a blade pressed into her throat.

“Scream, and it will be the last sound you make,” a gruff voice said.

Charlotte curled her fingers around her pistol’s grip. If only she could get some leeway – spin around – threaten the villain in return. Unfortunately, her current position allowed for no such thing. “All right.”

“Did I say you could speak?” The blade pressed deeper. “I’ll just take this and be on my way.”

Charlotte closed her eyes and prayed. She’d never felt more helpless. And she hated it. But what choice did she have? She couldn’t ask one of her parents’ footmen to join her on her excursions. Their loyalty lay with her parents so they couldn’t be trusted with Charlotte’s secret while Daisy, the maid who’d been meant to accompany Charlotte, had been sent on an errand by Charlotte’s mother at the last minute, leaving Charlotte with no other choice but to set off alone if she was to keep her appointment.

Swallowing, Charlotte tried to steady her breathing – to not panic while the thief grabbed her reticule. It contained more money than usual – three months’ worth of royalties in the amount of one hundred and fifty pounds.

Harsh laughter filled her ears. “I like the weight of this. Now stay still and count to twenty.”

Charlotte started to do as she was told, but the moment the blade left her throat, she drew her pistol from within the folds of her skirt and whipped around, only to learn that the thief had waited for just the right moment to flee. A group of children were now approaching the spot where she stood, blocking her line of fire as the thief raced away behind them. Charlotte’s hand shook in response to the shocking encounter. She lowered it and took a tremulous breath.

This really wouldn’t do. If she was to keep on coming here, she would have to ensure her own safety.

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Author’s Note

Dear Reader,

I hope you have enjoyed The Formidable Earl! The next Diamond In The Rough novel will feature Carlton Guthrie’s associate, Blayne MacNeil. I’ve never written a Scottish hero before, so I’m really looking forward to giving it a go. Although Miss Charlotte Russell never intended for him to be more than a bodyguard, her father’s sudden decision to force her into marriage with an American businessman prompts her to make fake fiancé one of MacNeil’s job requirements. Neither is what they seem to each other. She’s hiding a scandalous secret while he’s on the run for murder. I can’t wait to help them past all the obstacles in their path so they can have the happily-ever-after they deserve.

And to those of you who are anxious to know if Marcus Russell, Viscount Seabrook, who was stripped of his title in The Forgotten Duke, will have a book of his own, the answer is yes.

Until next time, I wish you happy reading!


I would like to thank Ellen Brock and the Killion Group for their incredible help with the editing of this book.

To my beta readers Victoria Pedrazzini, Susan Lucas, Lorraine Flint, Laura McEleney, and Jennifer Becker, your advice truly helped this story shine.

My thanks also go to Chris Cocozza for providing yet another beautiful cover.

And to my friends and family, thank you for your constant support and for believing in me. I would be lost without you!

About the Author

Born in Denmark, USA TODAY bestselling author Sophie has spent her youth traveling with her parents to wonderful places around the world. She's lived in five different countries, on three different continents, has studied design in Paris and New York, and speaks Danish, English, French, Spanish, and Romanian with varying degrees of fluency. But most impressive of all - she's been married to the same man three times, in three different countries and in three different dresses.

While living in Africa, Sophie turned to her lifelong passion - writing.

When she's not busy dreaming up her next romance novel, Sophie enjoys spending time with her family, swimming, cooking, gardening, watching romantic comedies and, of course, reading. She currently lives on the East Coast.

You can contact her through her website at

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