The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,118

of his head told him to decline the offer.

Instead he asked, “How long would you need me for?”

“Oh, I don’t know. What if I hire you on a monthly basis?”

Her suggestion didn’t sound bad. In fact, a limited contract appealed. It meant he was able to see if the job suited him within a reasonable time frame while leaving him free to quit soon enough if it didn’t.

Ignoring the signs that suggested she’d be a heap of trouble, he stuck out his hand. “Very well. You have yourself a new employee. When would you like me to start?”

She clasped his hand with admirable force, producing a jolt of awareness that zigzagged its way up his arm. The woman stilled for a moment, then cleared her throat and pulled away while he tried to tamp down whatever the hell that had been.

“Tomorrow,” she said in a businesslike tone. “Shall we say ten o’clock at Number Two Berkley Square?”

“Indeed, Miss…”

“Russell.” She swallowed. “And you are?”

“Mr. Blayne MacNeil.”

“A pleasure.” Her gaze held his for three long seconds before she turned away and moved toward the exit.

Blayne knew he should stop her. He knew he ought to call her back and tell her he’d changed his mind. That she’d have to hire someone else. It was the right thing to do since she’d unwittingly placed her wellbeing in the hands of a cold blooded killer. And yet he just stood there, unable to utter one word while she slipped out the door.

Thank You!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read The Formidable Earl. If you enjoyed this novel, you’ll also enjoy the sequel! Order your copy of Her Scottish Scoundrel today so you can read Blayne’s story too!

Or if you haven’t read the previous books in my Diamonds In The Rough series, you might consider starting at the very beginning with A Most Unlikely Duke where bare-knuckle boxer, Raphe Matthews, unexpectedly inherits a duke’s title. Figuring out how to navigate Society won’t be easy, but receiving advice from the lady next door may just be worth it.

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Once again, I thank you for your interest in my books. Please take a moment to leave a review since this can help other readers discover books they’ll love. And please continue reading for an excerpt from Her Scottish Scoundrel.

Keep reading for an excerpt from the sequel,


Diamonds in the Rough

* * *

Chapter One


July, 1821

Blayne MacNeil, formerly known as James Callanach, picked up his glass of Madeira and saluted his host. Nothing improved his mood as much as a meal at Windham House. The duke and duchess, Valentine Sterling and his wife Regina, had an incredible chef whose skill in the kitchen was second to none.

The sweet wine slid down Blayne’s throat. He and Val had been friends for almost two decades. They’d worked side by side and kept each other’s secrets. Until a year ago when Val’s had been revealed. Blayne still referred to him as Carlton Guthrie. As did everyone else who was close to him. He’d been the infamous Scoundrel of St. Giles – a man to be feared and respected for the wrath he’d bestowed on those who posed a threat to the vulnerable. Every now and then, Blayne caught himself missing the brutal force with which they’d vanquished the vermin of the world. Guthrie still made sure justice was served, but it was done with more discretion now that he was a duke, and by accepting help from the authorities.

“I have been toying with the idea of hosting a ball,” Regina said. She glanced at her brother, Marcus, who also resided at Windham House, and then at Blayne. “If I do, I shall expect you both to be in attendance so you can dance with some of the ladies the marriage mart has to offer.”

The comment was jovial – teasing even – yet it still caused Blayne’s lungs to strain against his next intake of breath.

Marcus snorted. “As if any well-bred woman would dare.”

Blayne met Marcus’ gaze and slowly exhaled. His insides eased and he forced a wry smile. “Even if one of the lasses cared to, I’m sure her parents would quickly step in to prevent her.”

“I could coerce them into compliance,” Guthrie murmured with a twinkle in his cat-like eyes.

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