The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,11

piece of cheese. “With more people about than at a boarding house, I should be safer though it probably would be pricier.”

Simon shook his head. “You’re not staying at an inn or anywhere else I can’t keep an eye on you.” When she opened her mouth to speak, he cut her off. “Our goal will be to unmask the man who led to your father’s wrongful conviction and caused his death. Considering the attempt that was already made on your life today, I’d say he plans to get rid of you fast. We have the small advantage of him not knowing where you’ve gone for now, but that doesn’t mean he won’t manage to find you again eventually. Especially if you plan on hunting for him as well.”

“My lord—”

“I own an extra townhouse.” He’d bought the place for his mother to live in when he and Gabriella had gotten engaged. For some peculiar reason, letting Miss Strong use it, knowing where she would be day and night, held a curious appeal. “There’s no staff there at the moment, but it shouldn’t take long to hire a cook and a maid, perhaps even a good-sized footman to keep you safe. I’ll set you up there as soon as we’re done here.”

“Absolutely not.” Miss Strong’s cheeks turned a deep shade of pink. Leaning forward, she whispered, “I would be completely reliant on you for all things and…and…


“People will think I’m your mistress.”

Simon stared at her blankly. “I don’t really see the problem.”

She crossed her arms and huffed out a breath. “Of course you don’t.”

He made a sincere effort to understand her issue with what he believed would be a step up from being a St. Giles whore. Really, he should be the one insulted, not her. “It’s not as if you’re a gently bred young lady and I’m actually asking you to be my mistress.”

“I know,” she agreed, her gaze averted.

“And I won’t expect you to pay me back in sexual favors if that’s your concern. I promise.” Her eyes widened with a surprising amount of shock for a woman who earned her way in precisely that manner. “Of course, it wouldn’t be very practical if we’re to help you move about in Society. Perhaps it would make more sense for you to be my ward. As such, you would be residing at a respectable address, your wardrobe would not set you apart from any other lady of the ton, and most importantly, it would allow us the freedom to meet in private whenever we choose to discuss our plan. No one would question me visiting you, though you might need a chaperone.”

As soon as the culprit they sought was found and brought to justice, Miss Strong would be free to remove herself from his life once again. It would be as if she’d never existed, as if—

“I don’t like it.”

Of course she didn’t. Stubborn and cynical to the core, she had probably conjured all manner of ulterior motives and ways in which he meant to use her to his advantage.

“All right.” He folded his arms, placed both elbows on the table, and leaned toward her. Her irises flared and his muscles flexed in response. Something about his nearness disturbed her, though judging from her rosy cheeks, not on account of fear. “Do you have a better suggestion?”

There was a long drawn out pause, after which she finally shook her head. “No.”

Simon allowed himself an inward smile. Although he had his own apprehensions, he had to admit that having Miss Strong around for a while might prove interesting. “So it’s settled then?”

Her rigid posture turned less combative. She blew out the most capitulating breath he’d ever heard. “Yes.”

A strange surge of victory swirled inside him. “Good.” He indicated her tankard. “If you’re done, we can be on our way. The house isn’t far.”

Looking as though she wished she could stay at the tavern for the next decade, Miss Strong grudgingly stood. “Thank you for the food and drink,” she said once they were back in the street. Darkness had fallen while they’d been talking.

“It was my pleasure.” Simon nudged her away from the edge of the pavement so he could assume the precarious spot and linked his arm with hers. She was stiff, yet oddly alluring. “Since we’ll be working together, perhaps we should try to become better acquainted.”

Her eyes remained fixed on a spot straight ahead, giving no indication that she’d even heard him. He cleared his throat and tried not Copyright 2016 - 2024