The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,101

choice but to press against you if you refuse.”

Fletcher’s eyes widened. “You’re threatening me?”

Guthrie shrugged. “If I must.”

“But you’re a duke.” Fletcher glanced around in desperation as if in search of escape. He looked longingly at the window. “Aren’t dukes supposed to be honorable gentlemen?”

Huntley snorted. “He used to be the Scoundrel of St. Giles.”

Fletcher blanched. “Dear God.”

Taking pity, Simon decided to step in before the poor man collapsed in a faint. “Naturally, I am prepared to reward you for the information you provide, but only if you’re willing to make a public statement against the man in question.”

“My lord, I’m really not sure.” Fletcher shook his head and downed the rest of his brandy. “Four years ago a couple of men came after me. I barely escaped with my life, only to learn that a friend of mine who was also involved in this had been killed.”

“His name wouldn’t happen to have been Harold Baker, would it?”

“How did you know?”

Simon sighed. “I’ve been looking into what happened for the past month.” A thought struck. “How did you and Baker know each other?”

“We worked together.”

“I see.” Things were finally starting to fall into place. Simon drummed his fingers slowly on his armrest. “At the Shadwell Gun Works?”

The flicker of familiarity in Fletcher’s eyes revealed the truth. “Look. I really ought to get going.”

“Did Mr. St. John ask you to deliver those letters to Captain Murdoch?”

Fletcher’s jaw tightened. “I’ve been laying low since I heard about Harold. The only reason I came here was because I’m in need of blunt, and I figured a man in your position would pay well to have his messages delivered. That’s it. I don’t want to get involved with any investigations or attempts to bring down Mr. St. John. That man will do anything to protect himself and his business. He has no scruples.”

“How does one thousand pounds sound?”

Fletcher froze. His mouth flapped open and shut a few times before he finally managed to croak out a, “What?”

“Be the witness I require. Windham, Huntley, and I will all make sure you are safe. Once Mr. St. John has been arrested, you may go on your way and spend your new fortune as you see fit.”

“But… It’s more than I could earn in a lifetime.”

“All the more reason for you to accept,” Huntley told him.

Fletcher seemed to consider. Simon held his breath.

And then the courier finally nodded. “Very well.”

Simon breathed a sigh of relief. “Excellent. I’ll have a guest room made ready so you can stay here out of harm’s way.”

Fletcher gazed at him in amazement. “Thank you, my lord.”

Guthrie unlocked the door to the study and Simon called Deerford to come and assist Fletcher. Once he was gone, Simon turned to Huntley. “Are you able to invite Elmwood, Kirksdale, and my uncle to your home tomorrow afternoon at say…eleven o’clock?”

“On what grounds?”

“Tell them you’ve a lucrative business venture in mind – one that involves the acquisition of a munitions factory in Wales. Invite Mr. St. John to join you under the guise of requiring his expertise and possible involvement.”

“I think I can manage that, provided they’re not otherwise engaged.”

“You’re a duke,” Simon reminded Huntley. “They’ll clear their schedules if they have to.”

“Especially if you phrase the invitations with a hint of urgency,” Guthrie suggested. “Make sure they know they’ll miss out on a big opportunity if they fail to show up.”

“I’ll get started on it right away.”

“How can I help?” Guthrie asked Simon once Huntley was gone.

“Fletcher’s our only witness right now. It would strengthen our case tremendously if we were able to gather some more.”

Guthrie nodded. “I’ll put additional pressure on Mr. St. John’s other employees. With Fletcher willing to come forward, I think they’ll be more ready to talk. Especially if I do as you did and offer them each a reward.”

“And in the meantime I’ll reach out to the chief magistrate. We’ll need his presence at Huntley House tomorrow too if we’re to make an arrest.”

“You’re working with a tight schedule, Fielding.”

“I know.” Simon took a deep breath. “But I dare not delay.”

“Understood. I’ll get some men mobilized. Let you know what I learn.”

“Thank you, Windham.”

Guthrie smiled. “Val or Guthrie will do.” He patted Simon’s arm and disappeared through the doorway.

As soon as he was gone, Simon called for Winthorp to join him. “I know it’s late, but there’s an urgent matter we must attend to without delay.”

“I’m at your service, my lord.”

“Thank you.” Simon sat behind his desk and collected a Copyright 2016 - 2024