The Forgotten Man - Robert Crais Page 0,100

His son had problems, he said. His son needed care.

I said, "He contacted you because he had to get it off his chest, but he wouldn't tell anything about David."

"The sonofabitch wouldn't tell me where David was or even if he was alive, but I know he's up here. George would have to keep him close to control him. That sonofabitch cried like a baby, saying it was eating him alive. Well, fuck him."

I nodded.

"So you killed him."

Diaz cleared her throat, then pulled herself together and stepped away from me. She seemed angry again, and ready for hell.

"That's right, Cole. So what are you going to do? You going to slap the cuffs on me and wait here for Pardy and my lawyer, and let this bastard get away? Look at this place-he knows we're coming. Daddy's been keeping him out of jail all these years, and now Daddy's gone. You think he's going to wait?"

"I'm not going to let you kill him. If you kill him, you're just killing yourself."

"Then what?"

"We're going to identify David, and you're going to take him into custody. You're going to arrest him, and bring him in to show you did the right thing. You're going to show them you didn't let what happened destroy you."

Diaz sighed deep, pushing out air like she was trying to get rid of something that was trapped inside her. She tipped back her head again and stared at the ceiling.

"What a goddamned mess."

"Pardy's coming. We don't have all day."

She squared herself, and nodded.

"My gun."

I gave her the gun. She put it into her holster.

"Do you know who it is?"

"Probably the other guy who worked at the station. That's what it sounds like from talking with Lewis. I can't be sure, but that's what it sounds like. Lewis told me how to get to his house."

Diaz stepped past me and went to the door.



Starkey picked up Pike where the 405 crossed Mulholland. If Pike wondered why she was frantic, he didn't ask, and he didn't quibble over which car they would take. Her car had the lights and a radio. They would make better time. Starkey flipped on her grille lights, and blasted out of the parking lot. When they were rolling north on the freeway, she keyed her radio, surprised that the damn thing worked. "Six-whiskey-twelve." "Six-whiskey-twelve, go."

The "three" identified her as being from Hollywood. "Whiskey" told them she was a detective. The "twelve" was her car number.

"Ah, I need a patch to the Sheriffs Department Substation in Canyon Camino."

"Stand by, six-whiskey-twelve."

While Starkey was busy with the radio, Pike called Cole's cell number. Pike phoned it three times, but never once got through. By the time Starkey had the patch, they were passing Van Nuys Airport, twenty-six minutes away from George Reinnike's home.



The sheriff changed everything. He could have radioed that Frederick 's truck was at Payne's, or told Biggins he was stopping at the house, or called in more police. Frederick 's mind raced with the changing plans. He felt certain that Cole wouldn't approach with a patrol car out front, and Frederick wanted to get quickly away. Also, if the police found Rossi's vehicle, they might roadblock the area and stop Frederick 's escape. He fought the urge to run. He loaded Rossi's body into the back seat, then drove the patrol car behind Payne's cabin and into the trees. He drove as far as he could, then huffed back to the house. He piled into his truck.

Frederick wept as he drove. He missed Payne, and he wanted to punish Cole, but now he realized he had to leave and vengeance would never be his. Maybe if he got away. Maybe in a few years. He knew where Cole lived. He knew where he worked. Maybe in a few years.

Frederick heard a voice as he entered his trailer, but it was Elroy, leaving a message.

"-call me back, goddamnit. The L.A. police are coming up to talk to us, and I don't know what in hell's-"

Frederick scooped up the phone.

"Elroy, it's me. Why do they want to talk to us?"

"Goddamnit, why haven't you called me back? I got-"

"I been so upset about Payne I didn't know what to say."

Elroy calmed down. Even Elroy could understand grief.

He said, "Payne ever say anything to you about going to Los Angeles?"

"Not me."

"Well, that's what they're asking about. The sheriff was here. He said some police are coming up from Los Angeles, and they want to know why he went down Copyright 2016 - 2024