Forgetting You - L.A. Casey Page 0,56

to her man – but I didn’t want it. Any of it. I wanted things to go back to the way they were, but I couldn’t live in denial; I had to accept that this was my new normal even though this new normal hurt my heart.

“Come on,” he murmured. “Let’s get ye dressed before ye catch a cold.”

I nodded and secured my towel over my breasts, then with the help of Elliot, I hopped back out into my room. When I sat on the bed, Elliot was quick to lock the door just in case I got any unexpected visitors. He mopped up the water that had dripped from my body on to the floor and audibly scolded himself for not placing a towel down on the floor ahead of time.

“Calm down, Mary Poppins.” I wiped my cheeks. “A bit of water never hurt anyone.”

“It could hurt you if ye slip.”

“Fair point.”

He returned to the bathroom to dry and dress himself, and I used this time to dry myself down. Then I wrapped my towel back around me, stood up and was just about to hop over to the tiny wardrobe that each hospital room was equipped with, to get fresh underwear and a set of pyjamas. When the bathroom door opened, I froze as Elliot glared at me from the doorway. Instantly, I smiled at him.

He looked like an angry papa bear.

“Nu-uh,” he growled as he crossed the room with my boot tucked under his arm. “We aren’t kids any more, ye don’t get away with things by smilin’ at me.”

I clicked my tongue. “You’ve gone and grown up on me . . . old man.”

The corners of his eyes creased in amusement.

“Old man? I’m two weeks older than you.”

“Technically, yes, but mentally I’m still twenty-four and you’re pushing thirty, so like I said . . . old man.”

I squealed when his fingers suddenly pressed into my sides, over and over. He made sure to grab me when I fell, and hauled me up against his hard body.

“Mercy,” I pleaded. “Mercy, Irish.”

He righted me, then nudged me backwards until I sat back down on my bed. Then he got to work putting my boot on and securing the straps.

“Don’t call me Irish.”

“Huh?” I looked at him as he stood up. “Why not?”

“Me friends call me Irish, and you’re not me friend. You’re more.”

My heart clenched at his words.

“Eli then.”

“Nope, ye never called me that either,” he mused. “I kind of miss ye always callin’ me ‘paddy’ and ‘ocean blue’, if I’m bein’ honest.”

I burst into giggles. “You are my paddy with those big ocean blues. Always will be.”

I held my breath when Elliot’s eyes dropped to my mouth. For a moment, I thought he was going to abandon his morals and kiss me. I desperately wanted him to, but I knew what I wanted didn’t matter right now. I had to think of the bigger picture and that picture included Anderson. I had to respect him, if not as my husband then at the very least as a person. Until I figured out who I would walk my path with in life, I had to keep my lips to myself.

Elliot’s thoughts seemed to mirror my own because he licked his lips and, at the last moment, jerked back.

“Pyjamas,” he blurted. “Underwear. Ye need those.”

“I want to brush my hair first.”

He grabbed my hairbrush and didn’t hand it to me, but brushed out my hair instead.

“Ye know,” he murmured. “The half-shaved-head thing on you is sexy.”

I rolled my eyes. “Rubbish.”

He placed a kiss on my now-buzzed scalp and whispered, “Sexy.”

I shuddered as he detangled my shorter locks until the brush ran from root to tip with ease. Then he grabbed the hair dryer my mum had packed for me and proceeded to dry my hair. I felt like a pampered princess. Sooner than I would have liked, my hair was dry. I ran my hand through the soft, thick strands.

“When I leave here, I’ll need to get a new style so the regrowth doesn’t look ridiculous.”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

Elliot moved to the wardrobe and grabbed a set of black pyjamas and a white pair of knickers.

“Are those granny knickers?” I asked, horrified.

He held them up with a grin on his face, enjoying my obvious distress.

“Give me those.” I scowled as I reached forward and snatched them out of his hand. “I thought you were a gentleman, and here you are, waving my delicates around Copyright 2016 - 2024