Forgetting You - L.A. Casey Page 0,118

fall in love with his sweet auntie. I stepped closer and wrapped my arms around my boys, and the baby in my belly decided that he – or she – didn’t want to be left out, and they gave me a whopping kick that Elliot felt against his own stomach. He laughed.

“This one will definitely be me footballer.”

I snorted. “Maybe she will.”

“Still stuck on him bein’ a girl?”

“Yup,” I answered with a smile. “Our little Bailey.”

Elliot eyes shone with love, and he leaned his head down and pressed his lips to mine. We’d named Baylor after her by tweaking his name, and I’d named my shop after her because I could never look at lilies without her face popping into my mind, but I wanted a little girl that I could name after my sister-in-law too.

The kiss my husband gave me lasted no more than a second before Baylor claimed he wanted a kiss from me too. Elliot’s grunt made me grin. Once Baylor heard the theme song for Paw Patrol play on the television, he wiggled in Elliot’s arms until he was put back on the floor and then he took off running.

“That lad has the energy of ten kids.”

I pressed my face against Elliot’s chest and slid my arms back around his waist. While I was still hurting for the loss of Bailey, I couldn’t deny how happy I was in my life. I’d gone through a hardship not many people face. I’d lost the love of my life and found him again, as I found myself. I’d married him and given birth to his son, and was a few months away from giving him a second child. I had the security, love and life I had always dreamed of with Elliot, and I had that life with my parents living right down the street.

My father had beaten his cancer and had been in remission going on two years. My bond with my parents had strengthened and our love for one another had only deepened. I couldn’t imagine my life without them, and I didn’t want to. Elliot’s parents were still happily married and heavily involved in our lives; his mother was currently thinking of coming to work for me in my flower shop. I hoped she accept my offer, because I loved being around her.

AJ and his beautiful wife Dani had twin girls a month after I had Baylor; the two of them aged AJ by the day. He often swore he was getting the snip when he’d had one too many nights of getting nothing but a couple of hours of sleep. Those threats were clearly empty now that Dani was ten weeks pregnant with their third child. After AJ cried for a day, he started praying to God that he’d get a boy this time around because he was certain it would be his and Dani’s last baby.

All of Elliot’s station buddies were doing wonderfully in life. Stitch, Tank and Pretty had added two more kids – each – to their families. Texas and his girlfriend, Jodie – Dani’s cousin from Ireland – were engaged and expecting their first little one. We all often had family day outings together, and we made sure whenever one of our kids had a birthday that we all made a big deal about it. Each of those men put their lives on the line every time they went to work; they knew the importance of celebrating each milestone like it could be the last.

The person who was the cause of so much pain and suffering in my life would never have the chance to hurt me or anyone else for as long as he lived. Anderson Riley had been charged with multiple serious offences, and in a trial that had lasted just a couple of weeks, a court of law had found him guilty of all charges. With his sentences all added together, he would die in prison and would forever lose the control on his life that he craved.

He’d got what he deserved, and Bailey and I got our justice.

“I miss her too,” Elliot said as he hugged me to him. “But she’s here with us. Ye feel her, right?”

I nodded. “I do. Today was just a day that I missed her extra.”

“I know, green eyes. I had one of those days last week. I just can’t believe the years have gone by so quickly without her. Think of it, this time five years ago you had no clue how much time ye had forgotten.”

“There was benefit to it, though. Forgetting you made me fall deeper in love with you.” I squeezed him. “I love you, Elliot. So much.”

“Hey,” he said, leaning back so I could look up at him. I lifted my hand to brush my fingers over the silver calla lily pendent that he still wore to this day. “I love ye too, Mrs McKenna. I’m scared of how much I love ye.”

“Me too. Terrified. You’d better always be scared of how much you love me.”

“Oh, I will,” he said, his thumb grazing my lower lip. “I always have been.”

When he kissed me this time, it was slow, intense and filled with emotion. He showed me with his kiss just how much he loved me, and I felt it from my heart all the way to my toes. A shiver ran the length of my spine.

“I think you promised me a rub-down, paddy.”

“Oh, sasanach.” He grinned, his ocean blues gleaming. “Wait until Baylor goes down for his nap, and I’ll be sure to rub ye down everywhere.”

This man had my heart; he’d given me my son and another baby that I would soon bring into the world. He’d come back to me at a time when I was lost, scared and didn’t know where to turn. He’d saved me. As he slid his hand down to my behind, my laughter and his mingled together, until he silenced me with a toe-curling kiss that held the promise of so much more to come.


Reaching this section of a book always seems like such a far-off point that I’ll never reach when I start writing. When I eventually find myself here, with the book finished, I have a moment of disbelief. How did I get from a fleeting idea to a finished book that I love? It still blows my mind, and I think it always will.

To my sister and daughter, who give me nothing but endless support and never question why I stay holed up in my office for hours at a time, looking a fright while I get my books finished. I love you both to Neptune and back.

To my friend Rebecca Prescott and your wonderful hubby, thank you for answering all of my questions about the station life of a fireman in London. I appreciate it so much, Becks.

To Mark Gottlieb, my agent, thank you for always having my back and for all you do for me.

To my editor, Lindsey Faber, my copyeditor, Gemma Wain, and my proofreader, Becca Allen. Thank you, ladies, for going through my book with a fine comb to make the story, and its characters, as strong as they could be. I really appreciate your many hours of hard work to get Forgetting You to where it is right now.

To Sammia, and the team at Montlake Romance, thank you for taking a chance on a rough summary of the book that changed drastically by the time I finished writing and submitting it.

To my readers, I sound like a broken record, but you all make my world spin. I hope you enjoyed reading Forgetting You, because I had a ball writing it.


L.A. Casey is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who juggles her time between her mini-me and writing. She was born, raised and currently resides in Dublin, Ireland. She enjoys chatting with her readers, who love her humour and Irish accent as much as her books. You can visit her website at, find her on Facebook at and on Twitter at @AuthorLACasey. Copyright 2016 - 2024