Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,110

gonna color.” She hopped down from the chair and gave him a hug, then Shea, and ran to her room.

Her occasional fear that he’d get mad at her prompted him to think she might still believe he’d leave. When he’d mentioned it to the therapist, she agreed, and told him all he could do was continue to provide her support. Seeing her give Shea her love and trust was more than he could’ve hoped for. His biggest concern now was Shea leaving, but they’d deal with that when the time came.

“She’s somethin’ else.” Shea chuckled. “Keeps me on my toes, for sure. Anythin’ new?” He took a beer from the refrigerator.

“Nope. Just the same shit from Renée. Come with me while I change my clothes.”

Inside his bedroom, he quickly got out of his suit and hung it up while Shea watched him.

“I’m hopeful but not closing out other prospects. I still have feelers out.”

“I like feelin’ you too.” Shea interrupted him with a kiss. “Mmm, tell me about Renée.” His fingers walked along the ridges of Jake’s stomach to grasp his erection.

“You think I can talk when you do that?”

Shea chuckled and held him at the waist, tickling along his hip bones. Jake kissed him, sucking hungrily on his tongue.

“I love you, Shea.”

“I love you too.”

“Have I mentioned how much I also loved having you stay the night?”

“I loved it too. I have to tell you somethin’.”

A nervous thrill rode down his spine at the light dancing in Shea’s eyes. “What?”

“I signed a lease on an apartment on King Street. My agent called me up this afternoon, saying I needed to see the place before it went public. It’s small but clean as a whistle. And best of all, it’s walking distance to here.”

“You did?” He grabbed Shea around the neck. “When does the lease start?”

“September fifteenth. One of his clients got a job in London as a fitness trainer, so he’s giving up the place, and Pedro offered it to me since he knows I’ve been looking.” Shea kissed him. “Are you ready to take this to the next level?”

“Next level? I’m already at peak nirvana with you. I was dreading saying good-bye. Not seeing you every day is no longer an option for me.”

“Well, I guess that settles it. As long as Stacey approves.”

“Are you kidding me?” A thought hit him. “But what about the ranch? You’re not going to up and leave it, right? I really think what we talked about would be a great idea.”

Shea leaned against the wall. “Well, here’s what I was thinkin’, and tell me your opinion. We go back for Labor Day weekend, and I tell Craig ’n Johnny that they’re in charge. I’m all for giving them a piece of the ranch too, considering everything they’ve done for me and my family. They’re almost as much a part of Forget Me Not as I am. Once a month, or every six weeks, if I’m not workin’ I go to check on things, and stay a few days. I can’t leave Rambo, and it wouldn’t be fair to bring him up here. Much as I love New York, he’d hate it. And on holidays, long weekends, and summer vacations, we go to Texas. It’ll be our home away from home.”

“Will you be able to live like that?” It was the perfect solution, but Jake didn’t want Shea to feel he had no other choice. He would be with Shea even if they’d only see each other once a month. Whatever it took.

“As long as I have you, I can live with anythin’.”

“You’ve got me.” Jake held him close. “Now let’s eat, and maybe take a walk and see your new place?”

Hand in hand, they left the bedroom, and peeked into Stacey’s room to find her still coloring.

“Having fun, honey?”

“Uh-huh. Look at my picture.” She grabbed the paper and ran to them. “That’s you an’ me an’ Shea. An’ Rambo.”

Two men stood with a little girl between them, each holding her hand. A lumpy-looking horse stood off to the side with a smile on his face.

“That’s wonderful, honey.”

“I bet Rambo misses you, Princess.”

“I wanna see him. And my pony too.” She tugged on Jake’s shorts. “When’re we going to the ranch again, Daddy?”

He swung her up into his arms. “How about in a week, right before school starts? Would you like that?” He blew a kiss on her stomach, and she giggled.

“Yay! Yes!”

“Okay, but that means you have to get all your rest Copyright 2016 - 2024