Forever by Your Side (Willamette Brides #3) - Tracie Peterson Page 0,94

he saw the lights of the central reservation. He knew the smaller group of soldiers was just beyond the church. He could make it there and then get someone to send for the colonel. Tom’s hope surged.

It seemed to take forever, but Tom finally reached the camp. There was a large tent with lighted lanterns in the center. He stumbled inside and blinked, giving his eyes time to adjust to the light.

“I need to see the colonel,” he said.

A man looked up at him from where he sat at a table with a map rolled out before him. His eyes widened at the sight of Tom. “Good grief, man, sit down before you fall.” He turned and called to a young man at the far end of the table. “Private, get the doctor.”

The boy jumped to his feet. His eyes widened at the sight of Tom. “Yes, sir, Captain.” He rushed from the tent, pulling on his cap as he went.

Tom sank onto a camp stool. “Captain, I have information you need to know. Singleton is the man you’re looking for, the white man who has been bringing guns and whiskey to the camp.”

“The senator is responsible?”

“No. I mean, I don’t know if he’s involved.” Tom strained to think. Was the senator involved? He couldn’t remember. “Clint Singleton plans to poison your food supply. I was in a meeting with the Indian Legislature. They told me it was part of the plan. Clint set the entire thing in motion to set off the war. We found the guns, however, and they won’t be a problem. Most of them appeared to be non-functioning anyway. We moved them—hid them from where Clint had stored them.” He paused. “But you probably know that. Your soldiers helped.”

Tom pressed his hand to his head to stave off the dizziness and tried to collect his thoughts. The doctor entered with his bag in hand. Tom closed his eyes but continued to speak. “The Legislature agreed to stop the Indians. At least the ones who would listen to them.”

“Just be still, son. Let me examine these wounds. Private, bring me hot water and towels,” the doctor commanded. The young soldier did so quickly, then stood ready for his next order.

Tom paid them little attention. He wanted to make sure the soldiers would be safe. “Captain, don’t let your men eat whatever Singleton has arranged. He plans to poison you all.”

“Private, get over to the mess and tell them the men are to eat nothing until I say otherwise. Tell them the food is poisoned, lest the men be tempted to ignore orders. Then ask Colonel Bedford to join us,” the captain said, then looked at Tom. “We received a telegram telling us to take Singleton into custody earlier, and word must have reached him. He hasn’t been seen anywhere.”

Tom relaxed and gave a sigh. “Good. Thank God.” The words came so easily from his lips that Tom couldn’t help but smile. It was the first time he’d ever thanked God for anything.

“Tom!” A very worried Isaac rushed to his side.

A wave of relief flowed through Tom. Isaac was safe. He closed his eyes again and winced as the doctor began swabbing his head wound.

Isaac looked at Tom with grave concern. “They said you’d been shot.”

“Afraid so. It seems Clint Singleton wanted me out of the way.”

“Where is he now?” Isaac turned to the captain.

“We haven’t been able to locate him. However, we will. Rest assured.”

“I’m happy to help,” Isaac declared. “I came to warn you that your food has been poisoned.” He looked down at Tom. “Or did you already tell them?”

“He did, and we should be able to dodge that attack. Thank you both. But I think now you need to stay out of the way and let the army do its job,” the captain replied. “Singleton is obviously dangerous and will require men with training to bring him down.”

Isaac didn’t argue but exchanged a glance with Tom. They were hardly the kind to sit back and let someone else take care of their problems.

Chapter 22

Clint dragged Connie into his house, then let go of her with a push. She stumbled but righted herself quickly. “What are you doing here?” he demanded.

Connie appeared to be wrestling with her fears. Clint hated her all the more. He had no time for such nonsense. She was no longer useful to him.

“I asked you a question,” he pushed.

“I was afraid for Tom . . . and Isaac . . Copyright 2016 - 2024