Forever by Your Side (Willamette Brides #3) - Tracie Peterson Page 0,92

to their livery experiences. Finally she was on her way, with a warning that the twelve-mile distance couldn’t be managed easily on a moonless night.

“If that horse throws you, he’ll make his way back here Johnny-quick. You won’t have a chance to catch him,” the old man declared.

“Then I’ll make sure not to be thrown,” Connie countered with a smile.

She knew the risks. She knew there were plenty of dangers, but if she didn’t reach Tom, she feared there would be even worse things to come. The trip had given her plenty of time to consider all that had happened and all that might yet be done. Mostly, it had given her time to contemplate her feelings for Tom and how she could hardly bear their separation.

The horse snorted and sidestepped. Connie remembered the warning about being thrown and tried her best to soothe him. “It’s all right, boy. We’ll be there soon.” She ran her hand along his neck and gave his sides a little nudge. He seemed to settle as they moved forward. This happened several more times during their dark journey, and always it unnerved Connie just as much as her mount. Were there men sneaking around in preparation for an attack? Was it just wild animals? The latter didn’t frighten her nearly as much as the first.

She had no idea what time it was, but when the distant lights of Grand Ronde finally came into view, Connie breathed a sigh of relief. She could admit now that she’d been more than a little afraid on the deserted road.

Several mounted oil lamps lit the immediate area around the government house and church. The horse seemed as happy as Connie was to have civilization finally in view. He was less content when Connie took him in the darkened direction of her parents’ house. A single lamp glowed from the kitchen window. Hopefully Tom and Isaac would be there to greet her.

She tied the gelding to a hitching post and made her way inside. “Tom! Isaac!” She moved through the dark rooms to the kitchen. There was no one there.

A shiver ran down her spine. Was it possible Clint had already arranged for them to be captured . . . or killed? She shook her head. She couldn’t let herself think of such things. Tom and her brother were both smart. They knew how to take care of themselves.

Connie made her way out the back door and considered her choices. Maybe they were at the government house. Major Wells had promised he’d send a fast rider ahead of the supply detail. The rider would have a letter explaining the truth to Colonel Bedford, since they couldn’t risk sending a telegram. Maybe the colonel had already taken Clint into custody, and her brother and Tom were giving evidence against him.

Taking the shortcut to the government house, Connie endured the blackness once again. At least here on the reservation she knew her way around even better than on the road. This had been her home for fifteen years. There was nothing to fear here. Well, not unless you counted a madman who wanted to start a war and Indians who had come to hate anyone who was white.

She shivered and cast a glance heavenward. The stars seemed so bright in the ebony sky. She smiled. Although their light wasn’t all that bright, they brought her comfort all the same. The same God who had created the universe and put the stars in the sky had sent His Son to die for her. Surely He was with her now. He wouldn’t leave her to face this alone.

Connie came out of the trees and crossed the open yard to the government house. There were at least two lights burning inside, as she could see light coming from the back of the house and from the front. She wasted little time reaching the back door, then snuck a peek into the kitchen area. Clint’s living quarters were here, but he was nowhere in sight.

She had thought perhaps Tom and Isaac had gone to help take Clint into custody, but maybe it was worse. Maybe they’d been taken by Clint. She moved around to the front of the house and stopped under an open window. She listened. There didn’t seem to be anyone inside.

The army was camped just beyond the church and school. Perhaps she should go there and explain why she’d returned. It was possible that Tom and Isaac were with the soldiers. That Copyright 2016 - 2024