Forever by Your Side (Willamette Brides #3) - Tracie Peterson Page 0,81

Lance would never let anyone get the drop on us.” She pushed past him, and Tom had no choice but to follow her.

Two soldiers stood just inside the living room with another dozen or so outside the door. Maybe they’d come to stand guard.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand,” her father was saying to the captain.

Connie froze in place. She could feel the tension. Something wasn’t right.

“You’re under arrest,” the captain said. “We’re taking you back to Portland to try you for the murders of Gerome Berkshire and Samuel Lakewood.”

Chapter 19

It’s the order of Major Wells, ma’am,” the captain told Connie’s mother. “All of you women are to leave the reservation, including the Sisters at St. Michael’s.”

“But we’re not on the reservation,” Mama protested.

“Sorry, ma’am. That’s the way it’s going to be.” The dark-haired captain refused to be moved. “We’ll have a wagon arranged for all of you to ride in.”

“I don’t want to leave my husband.” Mama had been fit to be tied since the soldiers marched Papa away hours earlier.

“He’ll accompany us under guard. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must arrange your transport.” The captain gave her a curt bow and exited the house.

Mama looked at Connie and then at Aunt Hope and Faith. “This can’t be happening. Why do they think Adam killed anyone? He hasn’t even been away from the reservation for some time.”

“Don’t worry. Lance will figure it out,” Aunt Hope said, putting her arm around her younger sister.

Connie could see that her mother was trying to be strong. “Poor Adam. He loves these people so much,” Mama said.

“Which is partially why they believe he killed Mr. Berkshire and Mr. Lakewood,” Faith reminded them. “We know he isn’t capable of it, but they don’t. I’m sure once we’re able to speak to Major Wells, everything will be sorted out. Major Wells has always been fair, at least from what Seth has said. The few times I’ve met him, he’s seemed very friendly and reasonable.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“We’d better finish packing. The captain said his men would be coming for us soon.”

Mama nodded. “I’ll get my things together.”

Aunt Hope gave her sister’s shoulder a squeeze. “I’ll put together food for the trip. I know the army will have their own, but just to be on the safe side, I’ll make sure we have what we need.”

Her mother looked to be in such a state of shock that Connie could hardly bear it. “I’ll help you, Mama.” She followed her mother upstairs while Aunt Hope went to the kitchen to pack food. She couldn’t imagine the pain her mother was feeling. “Try not to fret. I’m sure it will all be sorted out.”

“It’s just not fair. We’ve done nothing but love these people. We’ve always respected them and been friends with many of them for over twenty years. Your father would do nothing to risk their lives, and he certainly wouldn’t kill anyone or incite a war.”

“I know, but apparently someone thinks they have proof against Papa. I’m sure it’s wrong, but we’ll have better luck if we are there to plead our case. Just remember, we have powerful allies in Washington. If need be, we can call on them to help as well. I’m certain Uncle Dean would rally many of his friends, even the president, if need be.”

Her mother pulled several of her father’s shirts from the wardrobe. Her eyes filled with tears. “This is just such a nightmare. I want only to awaken and find that it’s nothing more than that.”

Connie nodded. “I want that too, but we have to be strong, Mama. God won’t leave us without guidance and counsel. We must put our trust in Him. Many times you’ve told me that, and I believe it.”

“I do too, but I don’t understand why He didn’t keep this from happening. I can’t see anything good in it.”

“Perhaps the good will come later. Maybe through this, our faith will increase, and we will become even stronger in the Lord.” Even as she spoke the words, however, Connie wasn’t sure she believed them. Why was God allowing this?

After they finished packing, Connie went in search of Tom. She found him in the barn with her brother—speaking in hushed whispers.

“Am I interrupting?” she asked.

They both startled. Isaac shook his head. “No, come join us.”

“I wanted to say good-bye. I know you’re both staying, but I wish you were coming along. I’m afraid of what we might encounter. We have quite a distance to travel to reach Copyright 2016 - 2024