Forever by Your Side (Willamette Brides #3) - Tracie Peterson Page 0,75

Ruth’s hand. Ruth tried to squeeze Connie’s fingers, but it was a poor attempt. Whatever had been wrong was still hanging on, and she wasn’t very strong.

Faith felt Ruth’s abdomen. She pressed the baby first one way and then another. She frowned. “When did you last feel him move?”

Ruth shook her head. “I’m not sure. I’ve mostly been sleeping.”

“Which is good for you both.” Faith straightened. “You rest. I’m going to speak with your stepmother.” She motioned to Connie and Ann. Once in the main living area, Faith wasted no time. “Do you know when the baby was last moving?”

“Just before she got sick. I think that was Friday. I remember her laughing about how he was sure to break her ribs with his kicking.” Ann grabbed Faith’s arm. “Please. What is wrong with her?”

“I’m not sure. It could be one of a number of maladies. What concerns me is that I couldn’t get any reaction out of the baby. I’m going to go back and examine her further, but I’m worried.”

Ann looked at Connie with tears in her eyes. “My poor girl. She’s talked of nothing but this baby for months. Why would God take him from her now? Have we angered God?”

Connie put her arm around Ann and led her to the table. Together they sat. Connie finally worked up the nerve to speak. “Bad things sometimes happen, Ann, but this isn’t about God being angry. I’m certain of that. I’m sure Mama could explain it better than I can. She lost a couple of babies and nearly died when I was born.”

Ann shook her head. “Sam is looking forward to being a father. He’s already so angry, and I fear he won’t be able to bear this. I just don’t know what to do.”

“We can pray about it,” Connie said. “We can pray right now.” She took Ann’s hand. “Oh, Father, you know how hard this is. We want so much for Ruth and the baby to be all right. Please touch them both and give Faith wisdom as to what she can do to help. Father, this is such a difficult time for Ann. Give her strength and understanding to help Sam through this as well. We don’t always know why these things happen, Lord, but we know that you have promised to be with us always.”

Faith came out of the bedroom. “I can’t tell if the baby is still alive. I must get him delivered. I’m going back to the house to have Aunt Mercy mix us up a special tea that will bring on Ruth’s labor.”

Without warning, the front door burst open, and a very angry Sam came into the house. “Where is Ruth?”

“She’s ill, as I told you,” Ann said, getting to her feet. “She’s just in there.” She pointed to the bedroom. “She would be pleased to see you.”

Sam looked at Connie and Faith. “Why are you here?”

“We’re friends with Ann and your wife,” Faith replied. “Ann and I were very close when I lived among the Rogue River Tututni. Are you Ruth’s husband, Sam?” She smiled. “I’ve heard so many good things about you.”

He glared. “Get out of here. You have no right to be here.”

“They are my friends, Sam,” Ann protested. “They’re good people. They helped us make baby clothes.”

“We don’t need help from white women. There are plenty of good sewers among our people.”

“Of course there are,” Ann countered. “But my friends wanted to do this out of love.”

“The white man knows nothing of love except for himself.” He pointed to the door. “Get out of here and don’t come back.”


“If they don’t go, I’ll take Ruth somewhere else to deliver our child. You may be her mother, but I will not honor that if you allow these two to remain.”

“There’s no need to fight.” Connie took Faith’s arm and prayed Sam wouldn’t notice her medical bag. “We’re going. But, Sam, there’s something I want you to know. I care for your wife and Ann. I want to do good things for them and help them in any way I can. You too. I’d like for us to be friends. I remember when our fathers were best friends. Like brothers. I’d like to see that happen again. I want our families to be one.”

“No. That will never happen. Your father betrayed my father, and because of that, my mother died. We will never be one. Now, go!”

The rage in his expression was evident, and for the first time Connie Copyright 2016 - 2024