Forever by Your Side (Willamette Brides #3) - Tracie Peterson Page 0,73

hug. “Thank you for what you did for Tom. I think he might have bled to death if you hadn’t come along.”

“I think you’re the one who might have faced a worse time of it,” he said as she stepped back. “I’m glad I could keep you from such a fate.”

Connie blushed and looked away. “I appreciate all that you did. I just wanted you to know. My father will no doubt extend his thanks as well, as soon as he hears what happened.”

Clint chuckled and climbed back up onto the driver’s seat. “Your hug was all the thanks I needed. That and our kiss will keep me happy for some time to come.”

She looked at him without speaking. Apparently he’d shocked her into silence. Well, good. Just let her think on that awhile. Maybe she’d start to believe that his feelings for her went deep. At least deep enough to serve his greater purpose and perhaps compete with the wounded Mr. Lowell.

Chapter 17

Clint stopped by to check on Tom two days later. He’d already heard from Adam that Tom was nearly ready to be back on his feet and that he and Connie would visit with some of the Molala people the following day.

Mercy Browning welcomed him at the door and pointed him upstairs. “Faith and Connie are up there with him. Go on up. First door to the right.”

Clint thanked her and made his way up the small, steep stairs. He heard Connie speaking in a hushed tone and paused outside the open door of a bedroom.

“We’re praying the truth will come out, and we’re doing what we can to find that truth.”

“Yes,” Tom answered, “but there are folks fighting equally hard to keep the truth buried.”

“Well, we have to figure it out before it’s too late,” Faith said.

Clint frowned. What were they talking about?

“I, for one, didn’t come all this way to stop now.” Connie spoke with determination. “This is too important to me.”

The trio fell silent, and Clint knew he couldn’t hide his arrival much longer. He stepped into the room. “I hope I’m not intruding. Mrs. Browning sent me right up.”

Connie was on one side of the iron-framed bed, and Faith was on the other, changing the bandage on Tom’s wound. Both women looked surprised—even upset. Clint decided to keep talking and hoped they wouldn’t worry about what he might have overheard.

“Well, it certainly looks like you have the best of it, Tom.” Clint smiled.

“I have a great nurse and an excellent doctor,” Tom replied. “And I understand I have you to thank for saving Connie and me from something much worse.”

Clint shook his head. “Rogue soldiers are always trouble. That man was absent without leave, so he’s now facing a court martial. But enough about him. How are you feeling?”

“Pretty good. I plan to get back to work tomorrow. Mrs. Browning and these two said I could do that if I promised to stay in bed for two days, and I’ve honored that commitment, so they must honor their part.”

“We only wanted to make sure his brain didn’t swell,” Faith said, finishing her work.

Clint glanced at Connie. She seemed attentive but not overly so. Maybe the attention she’d given Tom after the attack was simply due to her fears and nothing else. He knew Tom was in love with her, but until the attack Clint hadn’t seen anything to suggest she returned the feelings. Maybe Clint had conjured romantic motivations where none actually existed.

He frowned at Connie. “Your cheek is bruised.”

She nodded. “Yes, I’ve been told that more than once. It’s not a problem. Just a little sore.”

“I wish I’d taken the opportunity to give that soldier a good beating.”

“That would hardly have made my cheek feel any better,” Connie said with a smile.

“Maybe not, but it would have made him think twice before assaulting someone I care about.” He saw the look Tom gave him and added, “Seeing you two on the ground like that, with Tom bleeding, well . . . it didn’t sit well.”

“I feel just fine, though,” Tom continued. “A little headache still, but I think I’d forget all about it if I was actually able to work.”

“Faith agreed to let you work on preparing our first report to be sent in,” Connie reminded.

“That’s true, but while the bed is comfortable for sleeping, it’s not very good for working.”

“I can well imagine,” Clint said. “Still, you have two of the prettiest ladies to attend you. I wouldn’t complain too much.”

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