Forever by Your Side (Willamette Brides #3) - Tracie Peterson Page 0,51

I was in line for a promotion. I knew that taking off on a pleasure trip would have spelled doom for me.”

“I’m sorry. I wish you could have gone. Perhaps you would have had more of your questions answered.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I remember the first time I went to Washington, DC. I walked around the city, thinking about the men who had walked there before me. I imagined men like Lincoln walking the same streets as he considered the Civil War. I thought of Andrew Jackson, the president responsible for driving the Indians into the West. Men like Jefferson who penned the Declaration of Independence. It made them more real to me than any history book ever could.”

“And you think if I’d gone to the Middle East, the existence of Jesus would have become real to me?”

“I like to think it would have. I mean, with such a great abundance of history surrounding you with proof, even the writings of those who weren’t of the faith but still encountered Jesus, I believe you would have come to see the truth of Him for yourself.”

“Why do you believe? I’ve told you why I don’t believe, so now I’d like to know why you do.”

Adam was silent for several moments. Tom heard him draw in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “My mother. She taught me through her actions how important her faith was to her. It impressed me that when people scorned her, she baked them bread. When they taunted her, she made them cookies. My mother forgave when it would have been so easy to hate. I asked her how she could possibly forgive such ugliness, and she told me she forgave because that was what the Lord asked her to do. It was what He had done on the cross when people scorned and ridiculed Him.”

“But, if as you say, He was God—why should that impress me?”

“Because He was also a man. I know it’s a mystery that goes beyond our ability to understand, but Jesus was both man and God.”

“That makes little sense to me. Why would He go through the sufferings He did if He was indeed God? He could have stopped the torment at any time. He could have prevented the cross altogether and still gotten His point across.”

“Yes, He could have, which makes the cross all the more precious to me. Jesus went willingly for the sake of sinners just like me. He knew that without the cross, there would be no reconciliation between God and man.”

“But God can do anything. Surely there could have been another way of reconciliation.”

Adam chuckled. “Careful there, Tom. You’re starting to sound as though you believe God really exists.”

Chapter 12

Connie sent a letter,” Faith declared, bringing the mail to the dining room table, where Nancy and Seth were enjoying a leisurely lunch. Mrs. Weaver and Alma had just retired for a nap, while the Clifton sisters and Mimi Bryant had borrowed Nancy and Seth’s carriage and gone shopping.

“Why don’t you sit down, and I’ll read it.” Nancy pushed her dishes back a bit to make room for the letter.

Faith handed the envelope to her cousin, then took her seat.

Nancy opened the letter and unfolded the pages. “‘Dear all,’” she began. “‘Life at Grand Ronde is much depressed since last I was here. The storm destroyed many of the trees, and most of the buildings suffered damage. Still, I think this area is some of the prettiest in the state. I had forgotten just how much I love it.

“‘Father and Mother are well and send their love. I thought them to have aged far more than seven years would normally allow for, but given their worries over all that is going on, it isn’t surprising to find gray in their hair.

“‘Tom likes the family very much and enjoys working with the Native people too. We’ve been hard at work taking down information from every person who will speak to us about their culture and history. The Fourth of July is soon upon us, and the priest and nuns are planning a celebration where the Native children will put on a play. I think I shall look forward to that. The children are so precious. I wish they could remain as loving and kind as they are now. Sadly, I know that the bitterness of their families will spoil their current outlook. How could it not? Hatred is so strong. I pray for them daily, but evil is Copyright 2016 - 2024