Forever Wild (The Simple Wild #2.5) - K.A. Tucker Page 0,46

snowmachine. Jonah and I are close behind.

They collide in an embrace, their sobs carrying over the hum of the nearby generator.

“We got lost! No matter where we went, it was the wrong way. It was like we were going in circles. I was so scared! I’m so sorry.” Mabel’s words tumble from her mouth in a continuous blur.

She towers over Agnes now and yet somehow looks small within Agnes’s fierce embrace. “It’s okay. You’re safe now.”

Everyone has filtered out of the house, and a chorus of relieved sighs and exclamations can be heard.

“Oscar found me!” Mabel laughs through her tears. “Can you believe it? Roy said he caught my scent from like a mile away and started running straight toward us.”

“Isn’t that something.” Agnes looks first to the wolf dog, who hangs back, and then to Roy. “Thank you, for finding them and bringing them back.”

“Don’t thank me.” He nods toward Björn. “He’s the one who insisted we go west. I didn’t think they’d go that way, but he wouldn’t let it go. Stubborn pain in my ass.”

“I had a gut feeling.” Björn struggles to climb off his seat. He says something in Norwegian and Astrid rushes over to take his hand for balance, helping him up. “I forgot what it felt like to sit on one of these for four hours. It’s not good.”

“Well, look at that. It all worked out.” Muriel marches down the path and climbs onto the machine Björn just vacated. “How about I get this back to Noreen for you.” She nods at Teddy and Toby, a signal that they should follow suit and swiftly. “Come on, Kelly. Let’s get you home, too. I’m sure your parents will be happy to stop worrying.”

Kelly turns to Roy to offer him a shy smile. “Thank you.”

He grunts in response.

“That’s ‘you’re welcome’ in Curmudgeon. He’s mastered the language,” I explain, earning their giggles and Roy’s pointed glare.

“Okay. Let’s get you inside.” Agnes furiously rubs her daughter’s shoulders. “We need to get you checked out by a doctor.”

“I think they’re gonna be fine. They found an old, abandoned shack and got a decent fire goin’. Stayed huddled. They’re smart girls.”

“And you’re a good man, Roy Donovan!” Muriel hollers over the hum of her engine. “Enjoy the rest of your night!” She takes off, followed closely by Kelly, Toby, and Teddy.

Only Jonah, Roy, and I remain outside in the dark, huddled in our coats and hats, with nothing but the one spotlight fueled by the generator to cast light.

“I’m gonna check on Mabel.” Jonah presses a kiss against my cheek and adds reluctantly, “And eat my words for Björn.”

I smile. As bullheaded as Jonah can be, when he’s wrong, he’ll admit it. “Save the really good groveling until I get there. I like watching that.”

He snorts. “Good night, Roy. And thanks again.” He doesn’t wait for Roy’s answer before he heads up the path because he knows he won’t get one.

I curl my arms around my chest. “Some Christmas Day, huh?” And I thought last year’s was memorable.

“You should get on inside. It’s gonna take you ’til Friday to warm up.”

Speaking of warming up … “You look good in navy blue.” I nod toward his new hat. It’s lined with rabbit fur, which I cringed at choosing, but then I wagered that Roy is Roy and isn’t likely to wear faux fur. “Maybe Bandit will stop hiding when you come by to see Zeke.”

He adjusts his coat sleeve. “It’s been awhile since I’ve had somethin’ new to wear.”

“And now you have something to wear to our wedding.”

He snorts.

“I’m serious, Roy. Please come.” I thought more about what my answer should have been that night out on the road. “We may not be that important to you, but you’re important to us. To me. You and Muriel and Toby and Teddy … you’re my family here. If I didn’t have you, I’m not sure I’d still be in Alaska. I don’t know if Jonah and I would have made it this far.” As fiercely as we love each other, sometimes that’s not enough.

My parents were proof of that.

I feel my eyes well with emotion. “I’m going to set a place at the table for you, and I really hope you’re there to fill it. Even if you’re in dusty old jeans and that terrible Davy Crockett hat.” I back away, not wanting to give him time to formulate another bullshit excuse. “I think we’re having grouse for dinner, and I know Copyright 2016 - 2024