Forever Wild (The Simple Wild #2.5) - K.A. Tucker Page 0,37

you with something, Simon?”

“Yes! You can help me by pouring yourself a mimosa or a coffee and putting your feet up for the day. We’re all covered.” He caps that off with a beguiling smile.

“Sounds like my kind of Christmas.”

I set the mimosa down to fix myself a latte. “Is Mabel still sleeping?”

Agnes chuckles. “No. This is the one day of the year that I don’t have to drag her out of bed. She went to feed Bandit and Zeke for Jonah. He said he has to go to the hangar for something.”

I drop my spoon with a clatter. “He’s going to the hangar?”



“Yes.” She frowns. “Why?”

As if on cue, the snowmachine’s engine starts.

I abandon my coffee with a huff and rush for the door. “Because his Christmas present is out there, and he wasn’t supposed to find it yet!”

Jonah’s back is to me when I push through the door a few minutes later, my scarf haphazardly wrapped around my neck, my cheeks raw from the futile race to get here ahead of him.

In front of him is the satin steel-gray Chevy Silverado that Toby drove over last night.

“Guess I should have asked about getting a winch for it?”

He looks over his shoulder and gives me an arched brow before he turns back to stare at it some more. “What did you do now, Barbie?”

I assume that’s a rhetorical question. “I noticed you eying Steve’s truck when they were here.” The contractor who restored the old cabin couldn’t stop raving about his. I shimmy up behind Jonah and wrap my arms around his waist. “And I knew you’d never buy one for yourself.”

“That’s because it’s a fucking expensive truck.”

“So was my Jeep.”

“Yeah, but …” His voice drifts, his eyes drifting to the old Beaver, sitting in pieces. I know what he’s thinking—he’s spending a lot of money on a plane he doesn’t really need, but he’s doing it in a bid to honor my father.

“But nothing. Phil’s old truck is unreliable, and you need a vehicle of your own. One that doesn’t fly. You can keep this for the next twenty-five years if you want.”

“They don’t make trucks to last that long anymore.” With a groan, he turns and collects me in his arms. “This is way too much. But thank you.”

“I disagree. And you’re welcome.” I stretch onto my tiptoes and let my lips linger on his in a tender kiss. “I can’t believe you didn’t guess. I dropped enough hints.”

“That you’re crazy? Yeah, I knew that.”

I pinch his side. “Did you check out the inside yet?”

“Honestly, I’m afraid to.”

I laugh and grab his hands, tugging him toward the driver’s side. The key is sitting in the console where Toby said he left it. “It was so much fun, picking everything out.” I hit the ignition button and the truck roars to life. The sound of church bells and children’s voices singing a Christmas carol blasts over the radio. “And look how much room there is in here!”

Jonah peers around the cab. “Björn won’t have much to complain about on his ride back to the airport. Lemme in.”

I clamber over the console to the passenger seat.

He climbs in, shutting the door behind him. Finally, I see the glimmer of delight in his eyes. “This is nice, Calla.” He steps on the gas pedal and revs the engine. “Really nice.”

“I know. I almost gave it to you early, because I couldn’t wait any longer.” I peel off my gloves and hit buttons to get the heat going. The initial gust of cold air blows through the vents, but it’ll grow warm in a few minutes.

His hands smooth over the steering wheel. He pauses in thought. “I guess I should give you your present now, then?”

“It’s here?” I peer out the window to search the hangar. Jonah’s been tight-lipped. I have no idea what’s in store for me, but I’m bracing myself for at least one gag gift.

“It’s right here.” He reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a small, letter-sized envelope. With a crooked smile, he hands it to me.

I tear open the seal and fish out the papers. And squeal. “Are you serious?”

He chuckles. “It was supposed to be just a winter getaway, but I guess it’ll be a honeymoon now.”

I scan through the details of the seven-day, all-inclusive trip to Hawaii for two in mid-January. I’ve been bugging him for months to fly somewhere warm this winter, but he never seemed keen on the idea of a Copyright 2016 - 2024