Forever Summer - Melody Grace Page 0,93

than me.”

Reeve paused, swirling his scotch around the glass. For a moment, it looked like he was about to tell her something, but then he shook his head. “Just family drama, nothing to tell.” A shadow passed over his face as he looked around the room, like he was replaying an old memory. Then he set his glass down. “I’ll go find you that jack, and you can be on your way.”

He left the room, and Jules tried not to be disappointed. He was doing her a favor, after all, and a tool kit would be way more useful than gossip. Still, she couldn’t help wondering what was troubling his mind.

And if, perhaps, she could make him forget those troubles …

Down girl.

She gave a rueful smile. It was way too soon to be thinking about a rebound fling, and besides, Reeve didn’t exactly seem like he was falling over himself to flirt with her. Yet. Jules spied a dusty mirror by the door and scurried over to check—

“Noooo …!”

She stared at herself in horror. Her mascara was dripping, her hair was a tangled mop, and her wet T-shirt was plastered to her chest.

Completely transparent.

Jules wished the ground would swallow her up. Why hadn’t he said something? She’d been chatting away, oblivious, and meanwhile she looked like she’d just walked off the stage at some Daytona Beach bar! Her hot pink bra showed through the damp cotton, and—well, there was a chill in the air. That much was clear.

Very clear.

She groaned, burying her face in her hands. When would this day be over?


She heard Reeve’s voice echoing down the hall, so she grabbed her jacket and zipped it all the way up to her throat, still mortified. “Hey,” she blurted, hurrying to meet him in the lobby. She practically snatched the tool kit from his hand, avoiding his gaze all the while. “Thanks so much,” she said, blushing all the way to her roots. “I’ll get it back to you, I promise.”

“You live in town?” he asked, furrowing his brow.

“No, just visiting, but my friend does. I can tell her where to find you,” Jules added, since she had zero intention of ever stepping foot there again. “I … um … bye!”

She turned on her heel and practically sprinted out the front door. It was still pouring with rain outside, but she was glad for the cold water against her flaming cheeks. But she hadn’t gone more than twenty paces before she heard her name being called behind her.

Jules turned to see Reeve sprinting after her through the rain. She realized with a groan that she’d forgotten to pay for the terrible bottle of wine she’d opened, and she was about to apologize all over again when he held out a familiar red leather wallet.

“You forgot this,” he said, coming to a stop beside her.

She took it, feeling even more of a mess than before. “Thank you,” Jules said, shaking her head. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“Nothing,” Reeve replied, furrowing his brow. “Absolutely nothing.”

“Tell that to my ex,” Jules said ruefully, turning to go, but Reeve suddenly caught her hand, pulling her back.

She looked up at him, confused, as he closed the distance between them.

“He’s a fool,” Reeve said bluntly, looking into her eyes. Jules blinked, caught for a moment in the intensity of his gaze, water running in rivulets down his face. Then he reached out and cupped her cheek, his hand cool against her burning skin. “If he let you go? He’s a damn fool.”

Jules’s heart stopped. The small part of her brain that was still functioning wondered if this was really happening, if this sexy stranger was really touching her, looking at her like she was the center of the universe.

But the rest of her …

The rest of her was drawn to him, as if pulled by gravity.

She swayed closer, caught in the depths of his gaze. His touch was electric against her skin. The moment lingered, charged between them. And then Reeve was kissing her, his mouth hot and searching, and Jules couldn’t have formed a coherent thought if she’d tried.

All she could do was feel.

The solid muscle of his torso. The urgent press of his lips. The passion as he pulled her closer, one hand tangling in her hair as she lost herself completely to the moment. In an instant, they were an inferno. Desire burned hot enough to blot out the cold rain dripping down her spine as Jules arched up, shamelessly throwing her arms around his neck, greedy for another taste.

She wanted more.

But Reeve stepped back. He released her, looking about as disoriented as she felt. “I … wasn’t planning that,” he said, breathless, and he wasn’t the only one. Jules hadn’t planned on breaking down, getting drenched, or making out with a total stranger, but there they were.

And she was fine just rolling with it.

But she could see Reeve was already back down to earth again. He shook his head and chuckled, giving her a wry grin. “You take care of yourself,” he said. “The wine’s on me.”

And then he headed back to the lodge, leaving Jules drenched and light-headed. Suddenly, her breakup didn’t seem like such a bad idea. Hell, she could barely even remember her ex’s name. Because never, in a million years, could he have he ever kissed her like that.

If that was what single life had in store for her? Bring it on.

Maybe Sweetbriar Cove would be more than just a weekend trip …


Thank you so much for reading!

Jules and Reeve’s swoon-worthy love story is just getting started — and more romantic adventures await at the Beachcomber Inn.

Simply Irresistible is available to order now—and features all of your Sweetbriar Cove friends!

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Jules Rivera loves a challenge. She’s saved failing businesses, and transformed scruffy guys into handsome bachelors — who turn around and leave her in the dust. Some thanks. She vows not to make the same mistakes again… until she stumbles over a gorgeous, run-down vineyard in Sweetbriar Cove. Jules knows the place could be something special. And as for the surly, rugged owner? All her instincts tell her, he’s something pretty special too…

Reeve Hastings has no intention of being anyone’s project. He’s trying to save his family legacy, and he doesn’t need help from anyone, especially not the brunette spitfire who knows nothing about wine. But Jules is annoyingly determined — and full of surprisingly good ideas — and soon, she’s making her mark on the vineyard. And driving Reeve crazy, in all the best, most tantalizing ways…

Jules knows she should keep businesses and pleasure far apart, but Reeve’s smile is more intoxicating than any bottle of Merlot. And as for his kisses… Simply irresistible. Their passion is undeniable, but with the future of the vineyard on the line, can this summer fling put down roots? Or will past heartache spoil their chance of happy-ever-after?

Find out in the new stand-alone Sweetbriar Cove love story — featuring all your favorite characters at the Beachcomber Inn!

*** CLICK HERE to order from your retailer of choice ***

Also By Melody Grace:

The Sweetbriar Cove Series:

1. Meant to Be

2. All for You

3. The Only One

4. I’m Yours

5. Holiday Kisses (A Christmas Story)

6. No Ordinary Love

7. Wildest Dreams

8. This Kiss

9. Always Be Mine

10. Two Hearts (Kinsella Family #1)

11. The Story of Us

12. Back to You

13. One More Night

14. Time After Time

15. Forever Summer

16. Simply Irresistible

17. From This Moment

The Beachwood Bay Series:

1. Untouched

2. Unbroken

3. Untamed Hearts

4. Unafraid

5. Unwrapped

6. Unconditional

7. Unrequited

8. Uninhibited

9. Unstoppable

10. Unexpectedly Yours

11. Unwritten

12. Unmasked

13. Unforgettable

The Oak Harbor Duet:

1. Heartbreaker

2. Reckless Hearts

With Every Heartbeat

The Promise

About the Author

Melody Grace grew up in a small town in the English countryside, and after spending her life reading, she decided it was time to write one for herself. She published her first book at twenty-two, and is now a New York Times bestselling author, with over three million downloads of her novels to date.

She lives in Los Angeles, where she is currently a writer on Netflix’s Bridgerton.

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