Forever Summer - Melody Grace Page 0,89

joined him with a smirk. “Say that again, sweetie?”

“Shh,” he joked. “I’m pretending to be modest.”

“Keep that modesty in mind when you start on the addition for me and Stella,” Aidan said, amused. “Like with the budget.”

“Nice try.” Cooper toasted him, as Evie took Noah’s hand.

“Come on,” she said, tugging him away from the group. “I feel like dancing.”

“Yes ma’am.”

He was just spinning her around, when Evie caught a flash of a familiar face on the porch. She stopped, unsteady. Starr was standing there, with a hesitant expression on her face.


“Starr!” Evie’s heart leapt. “What … what are you doing here? Not that you’re not welcome,” she added quickly. “I’m just surprised to see you—surprised and glad.”

Starr looked down. “I talked to Jules. She said … well, she said today was kind of a big deal for you.”

Evie felt a hand on her shoulder, and she knew even without looking that it was Noah, checking to see if everything was OK. Evie took his hand and squeezed. “You remember Noah, right?” she asked. “My boyfriend.”

Starr nodded. “Hi,” she said, with a small smile. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“You too,” Noah said, relaxing. “Can I get you a drink? A cupcake?”

“Both sound great. Thanks.”

Noah sauntered off, leaving the two of them alone. Starr looked around. “This place is amazing,” she said quietly. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” Evie paused. The last time they’d seen each other, it hadn’t exactly gone so well. “How have you been?” she asked softly.

“Fine,” Starr replied. “No, that’s a lie. I’ve been feeling terrible. I’m so sorry about what I said. I had no right—”

“You were grieving,” Evie cut her off, going to give her a hug. “It’s totally understandable.”

“Still, that’s no excuse.” Starr gave her an apologetic smile. “You deserve to be happy. I’m glad you’re moving on, it’s just … I miss him, that’s all.”

“I miss him, too,” Evie said. She looked around at the familiar faces she now counted as friends, at the new horizon that greeted her every morning—and at the new love who held her through the nights. “I think he’d be glad that I’ve found a place to call home without him.”

Starr nodded. “He’d like Noah, too. He’d like that he makes you happy.”

“He does.” Evie squeezed Starr’s shoulders. “And you know you’re always welcome here. You’ll always be a part of my life, you know—we’re family.”

“I know.”

They hugged again, just as Noah returned. “One cupcake, as promised. I had to fight off Riley for the last one, so you better appreciate it.”

Starr smiled. “Thank you.”

Noah turned to Evie. “You better grab the dishes—and I’ll get the tablecloths.”

She frowned. “Why?”

In answer, the skies opened, and they were suddenly drenched by a downpour. Evie let out a shriek. “No!”

“Don’t worry,” Noah said as people rushed for cover. “It’ll take more than a few raindrops to see off this crowd.”

He was right. Even with the rain, the party kept on going—it just moved inside. There was plenty of room for music and conversation, and when Evie’s first official guests arrived, they were surprised to be greeted by cheers and applause.

“Welcome to the Beachcomber Inn,” she told them, laughing. “We’re rolling out the red carpet for you. And the cupcakes.”

The elderly couple looked delighted to get such a warm reception. “Bunny Vanderberg said the place was homey, but we never expected this!”

Evie lingered in the doorway, watching everybody mingle and laugh together. It filled her with a happy glow—a glow that only burned brighter when Noah slid his arms around her and dropped a kiss on the back of her neck.

“You did it,” he said softly, and she smiled.

“Not on my own.” Every single person there had pitched in to help somehow, and she couldn’t have been more grateful or proud.

“I was wondering … if you had room for one more tonight,” Noah murmured, turning her to face him.

She smiled, teasing. “I don’t know about that, I’m fully booked,” she said. “But I suppose I could find some room … if you don’t mind sharing.”

“I don’t mind that at all.”

Noah kissed her, slow and hot, and she couldn’t help melting in his arms. All the pain, all the grief, it all seemed worth it to bring them both to this moment. Evie knew she’d been given a second chance at a love that would last a lifetime.

And it was going to be spectacular.

Not quite THE END…


A few miles away …

Jules Rivera didn’t believe in destiny.

Fate, providence, the stars aligning. They made for nice stories, sure, Copyright 2016 - 2024