Forever Summer - Melody Grace Page 0,72

miles around.”

“Funny.” Noah grabbed the beer that Cooper passed him and took a gulp.

“He thinks I’m kidding.” Poppy laughed. “He doesn’t know my aunt.”

“There’s a merchandise store online, too,” Mackenzie added. “You too can own your very own Sweetbriar Cove Firefighters T-shirt and ballcap. Local hunk not included.”

“I would hope not,” Jake said, grinning. “But wait, is she pocketing all the cash from this? Where’s my cut?”

“How do you think she takes so many fabulous foreign vacations?”

“I thought it was the money from her first divorce. Or her third.”

Noah sat back and let the jokes fly around him. He should be relieved they were following orders and not mentioning his failing relationship, but instead, it just felt like the elephant in the room.

He shouldn’t be here. He shouldn’t be anywhere if it wasn’t with Evie. All week, he’d had to force himself not to pick up the phone or drive down to the inn just to say hi. He wanted to see her more than anything, but he was going to respect her wishes even if it killed him.

And it was.

“… what do you think?”

Noah felt a light elbow in his ribs. He looked back at the group. “About …?”

“Our big camping trip,” Jake replied. “It was your idea.”

“Sounds great,” Poppy said. “As long as we can bring a three-person tent. Little Emma doesn’t travel light.”

“Good idea,” Mackenzie brightened. “You think Chase would loan his RV? I’m not exactly a fan of roughing it.”

Jake snorted. “Understatement,” he said affectionately.

“Hey! Just because I like my great outdoors with a side of running water.” Mac grinned. “You’ll change your tune after a night on the ground, while I’m lounging on a real bed.”

Noah shook his head. A group camping trip? That was the last thing he needed. “I was kidding,” he said. “Besides, the whole point of getting out of getting out of town would be to get away from you people.”

“Ignore him,” Mackenzie said, cheerful. “He’s just grumpy and lovelorn. Which is all the more reason why you need your friends around to distract you,” she said, nudging Noah. “No solo woodsman act. We’ll all go. It’ll be fun. Next month?”

“Sounds good,” Cooper agreed. “And I bet Jackson and Alice will be up for it.”

“And Summer and Grayson,” Poppy added. “We’re going to need sustenance out in the woods. And by that, I mean her cinnamon buns.”

But Noah paused, feeling a chill as he processed what Mackenzie had just said. She still thought he’d need cheering up a whole month from now?

He turned to her. “What do you know?” he asked urgently.

“What do you mean?” Mackenzie looked confused.

“Have you talked to her?” he demanded. “What did she say?”

“I didn’t—” Mackenzie saw his expression and softened. “I don’t know anything, I promise. Nobody’s seen her around except Cassie, and even then it was just on official redecorating business. Believe me, I’ve been asking. You think I would leave you hanging?”

Noah exhaled, feeling like a desperate fool. “No, of course not,” he said. Evie was the one who’d done that, and now he was stuck in a terrible limbo, not knowing if he should be fighting to save the best thing that had ever happened to him—or keeping his distance so she could find her own way back to them on her own.

“I’m sorry,” he added, sitting back with a sigh. “I just don’t know what to do. She asked for time. But how long does it take?” he asked, feeling a hollow ache in his chest. “If she really cared about me, wouldn’t it be simple?”

It was for him. Painfully simple. All he wanted in the world was Evie, but she might as well have been a million miles away.

“You don’t know what she’s feeling right now,” Mac said softly. “And I’ve seen the way she looks at you. She cares. Don’t count yourself out just yet.”

Noah nodded slowly, wishing he could believe that as strongly as he had a week ago. “Why did I decide to be noble and volunteer to give her space?” he despaired. “I should be over there right now, with flowers, and candy, and … I don’t know, some grand romantic gesture, trying to win her back.”

“Sometimes it’s the most romantic gesture of all just to listen to someone and give them what they need.” Mackenzie looked rueful. “Annoying huh? Not exactly the stuff of movies and epic poetry.”

“No, it isn’t …,” Noah replied slowly.

“Game of darts?” Cooper spoke up from the other end of the table Copyright 2016 - 2024